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. 2020 Apr 15;99(7):3411–3427. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.03.020

Table 3.

Characteristics of the reads from 12 embryo liver libraries.

Sample ID raw_reads clean_reads error_rate (%) Q20(%) GC_pct (%) Mapping ratio (%)1
CON1 62224764 59541880 0.03 97.26 50.47 86.74
CON2 55061878 53710768 0.03 97.72 51.6 86.39
CON3 62178520 59409776 0.03 97.34 50.91 85.37
LPS1 64366450 61450866 0.03 97.12 50.33 83.57
LPS2 72871048 70213034 0.03 97.6 51.07 86.38
LPS3 64512976 62363488 0.03 97.49 51.54 85.55
GEN1 60596774 59548220 0.02 98.02 51.83 90.94
GEN2 67568632 65994052 0.02 97.91 51.18 89.54
GEN3 62051554 60598094 0.02 97.98 51.62 90.46

Units: reads, n.

Abbreviations: CON, nonchallenge control; GC, guanine-cytosine; GEN, lipopolysaccharide-challenged group fed diet supplemented with 40 mg/kg genistein; ID, identification; LPS, lipopolysaccharide-challenged group; Q20, Phred quality score.


Mapping ratio, mapped reads/all reads.