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. 2020 May 4;99(8):3865–3876. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.04.018

Table 4.

Effects of cuticle removal on fertility, hatchability, percentage of female chicks, percentage of healthy chicks, and embryonic mortality of quail hatching eggs.

Treatment1 Fertility (%) Hatchability2 (%) Percentage of female chicks (%) Percentage of healthy chicks (%) Embryonic mortality2 (%)
To day 7 day 8 to 13 From day 14
CND 92.63 90.98b,c 52.48 97.38 2.92a,b 0.27c 5.84b
CWD 93.46 93.00a,b,c 45.97 97.31 1.25b 0.75b,c 5.00b,c
CSH 95.57 92.27a,b,c 49.72 98.60 4.12a 1.03b,c 2.58c,d
AA2 93.59 79.44d 53.04 98.72 1.78a,b 5.84a 12.94a
AA4 92.84 95.42a 52.78 98.23 1.69a,b 0.24c 2.65c,d
V2 93.10 90.37c 48.09 97.54 1.48b 1.48b,c 6.67b
V4 93.41 94.16a,b 50.90 98.19 1.22b 1.95b 2.68c,d
CA2 92.87 90.59b,c 49.18 97.81 1.73a,b 2.48b 5.20b,c
CA4 93.47 95.66a 51.88 97.98 1.45b 1.20b,c 1.69d

a–dPercentages within a column that do not share a common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).


Abbreviations: AA2, 2% acetic acid; AA4, 4% acetic acid; CA2, 2% citric acid; CA4, 4% citric acid; CND, unwashed control, nondipped; CSH, standard control, 0.13% sodium hypochlorite; CWD, water control, water dipped; V2, 44.4% vinegar; V4, 88.8% vinegar.


The percentage to fertile eggs.