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. 2020 Jun 17;99(8):3897–3907. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.05.010

Table 1.

Effect of 2 eggshell temperatures (EST; 37.8, 38.9°C) applied during week 2 and 2 EST (36.7°C, 37.8°C) during week 3 of incubation on hatch moment, neonatal chick quality, and relative organ weights at the moment of hatch.

Item Hatch1 moment (h) BW1 (g) RY2 (g) YFBM2 (g) Chick1 length (cm) Navel1 score (1–3) Blood glucose2 (mmol/L) Heart2 (%)3 Liver2 (%)3 Bursa2 (%)3 Spleen2 (%)3 Intestines2 (%)3 Stomach2 (%)3 (0–3)
EST week 2
 37.8°C 499a 46.04 5.76 40.17 19.4b 1.7 11.4a 0.84 2.63 0.0551 0.0280 4.62 5.57 1.9
 38.9°C 494b 45.85 5.43 40.22 19.5a 1.7 11.0b 0.78 2.69 0.0505 0.0323 4.79 5.60 2.0
 SEM 0.4 0.09 0.25 0.33 0.03 0.05 0.2 0.02 0.05 0.0066 0.0032 0.17 0.12 0.2
EST week 3
 36.7°C 501a 45.93 5.49 40.20 19.4b 1.7 11.7a 0.85a 2.70 0.0618 0.0342 4.80 5.78a 1.9
 37.8°C 493b 45.95 5.71 40.19 19.5a 1.7 10.7b 0.77b 2.62 0.0437 0.0260 4.61 5.39b 2.0
 SEM 0.4 0.09 0.25 0.33 0.03 0.05 0.2 0.02 0.05 0.0066 0.0032 0.17 0.12 0.2
EST week 2 × week 3
 37.8°C × 36.7°C 503 46.05 5.81 40.01 19.3 1.7 11.9 0.89 2.69 0.0646 0.0303 4.62 5.73 2.1
 37.8°C × 37.8°C 496 46.02 5.72 40.32 19.4 1.6 11.0 0.79 2.57 0.0454 0.0256 4.62 5.41 1.8
 38.9°C × 36.7°C 498 45.82 5.17 40.39 19.4 1.7 11.6 0.81 2.71 0.0589 0.0382 4.98 5.83 1.9
 38.9°C × 37.8°C 491 45.88 5.70 40.05 19.5 1.7 10.4 0.75 2.68 0.0420 0.0264 4.60 5.37 2.1
 SEM 0.6 0.13 0.35 0.47 0.04 0.07 0.2 0.03 0.08 0.0093 0.0045 0.24 0.17 0.3
 week 2 <0.001 0.14 0.39 0.90 <0.001 0.57 0.04 0.07 0.41 0.63 0.34 0.47 0.86 0.96
 week 3 <0.001 0.87 0.44 0.98 0.02 0.36 <0.001 0.008 0.33 0.06 0.08 0.41 0.03 0.86
 week 2 × week 3 0.90 0.71 0.33 0.50 0.93 0.68 0.71 0.55 0.59 0.91 0.44 0.45 0.70 0.12

a-bLeast squares means within a column and factor lacking a common superscript differ (P ≤ 0.05).


n = 103, n = 104, n = 111, n = 108 for treatment groups 37.8°C × 37.8°C, 38.9°C × 37.8°C, 37.8°C × 36.7°C, 38.9°C × 36.7°C, respectively; determined within 12 h after emergence from the eggshell.


RY = residual yolk, YFBM = yolk-free body mass, mmol/L = millimole/L, = gizzard erosion score: n = 13, n = 12, n = 13, n = 12 for treatment groups 37.8°C × 37.8°C, 38.9°C × 37.8°C, 37.8°C × 36.7°C, 38.9°C × 36.7°C, respectively, determined between 6 and 12 h after hatching. Stomach includes the proventriculus, intermediate part, pylorus, and ventriculus.


Weight relative to YFBM.