(A) Relative abundance of total B cells, non–class-switched memory (NCSM) B cells (CD27+IgM+), naive B cells (CD27–IgM+), and plasmablasts (CD27+IgM–CD38+). (B) Relative abundance of p-STAT5+ plasmablasts (top) and representative histogram of p-STAT5 expression on plasmablasts at days 1 and 8 for a representative virus shedder (bottom). In A and B, values plotted are relative abundance (percentage of CD66– cells normalized to baseline [average of day –1, 1]) (mean ± SEM); filled squares and solid lines indicate virus shedders, and open squares and dashed lines indicate virus nonshedders. (A and B) n = 35 volunteers. Bonferroni’s adjusted P value of the time-shedding interaction term. For plots of additional gated cell populations, see Supplemental Figure 6.