Time-calibrated phylogeny of the Lassa virus strains, gathering 41 sequences belonging to lineages IV and V (i.e., represented by “South Mali/North CIV”) and showing the new one from Kissidougou (in pink). The trees show the complete glycoprotein precursor and nucleoprotein in a linked model (A), and the complete polymerase (B). The trees were inferred by using the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method, with GTR + gamma model, strict clock, constant population size and partitioning into codon positions 1, 2, 3. Posterior probabilities are coded as follows: 0.7, green dots; 0.80 to < 0.85, purple-blue dots; > 0.97, red dots. Geographical origins are noted on the right of each tree, and scale axis represents the time in years.