Figure 1.
The minimum spanning tree of 102 Clostridium perfringens from different sources. The minimum spanning tree was constructed by using the Bionumerics software (Bionumerics, version 7.6 (3); Applied Maths, Inc., Austin, TX). Seven groups of human sequences (ST75 to ST81 in this study) from Liu et al., 5 groups sequences of necrotic enteritis (NE)-infected chicken (ST87 to ST91 in this study) from Nakano et al., and 5 groups sequences of NE-infected chicken (ST92 to ST94 in this study) from Hibberd et al. were also used for analysis. The shaded section represents 5 clonal complexes (CCs). The area of the circle represents the number of strains, different colors represent different sources, and the number on the branch represents the difference of alleles.