DNA supercoiling in the indicated E. coli (A) and S. Typhimurium (B) strains, which differ in putrescine abundance. E. coli strains used were: MG1655 (wild-type), AAD85 (speE), AAD96 (speE oat puuA), AAD95 (speB speC speF). S. Typhimurium strains used were: 14028s (wild-type), AAD46 (speE), JY979 (oat), AAD58 (speE oat), EG6501 (sapABCDF), AAD212 (speB argE). Coloured circles qualitatively represent expected concentrations of putrescine (blue) or spermidine (green). Different lowercase letters indicate pairwise statistical significance (Tukey’s HSD, p<0.05, n = 7 for S. Typhimurium wild type, n = 4 for S. Typhimurium speE, n = 2 otherwise). The growth curves corresponding to the cultures used in these experiments are presented in S1 Fig.