Figure 1.
Modified consumer rejection thresholds (M-CRT) for cricket powder in whole-wheat snack crackers. Thresholds were measured based on 2-alternative choice (AC) paired preference tests of (a) color, (b) texture, (c) flavor, and (d) overall preference. a Percentage of consumers who reported preference for the control (0% cricket powder) sample. b Percentage of cricket powder used in place of whole-wheat flour (w/w) in cracker formulations. c Solid black lines connect points representing % of consumers preferring the control at each level of % cricket powder. d Blue dashed lines connect points representing Thurstonian 2-AC critical values (α = 0.05) at each level of comparison. e Vertical red lines represent the M-CRT (% cricket powder), estimated at the intersection of lines c and d (not found for color).