Modified hedonic rejection thresholds (M-HRT) for cricket powder in whole-wheat snack crackers. Thresholds were measured based on liking (a 9-point hedonic scale) of (a) color, (b) texture, (c) flavor, and (d) overall liking. a T-values were calculated from difference of mean liking scores (a 9-point scale) from a score of 5. b Percentage of cricket powder used in place of whole-wheat flour (w/w) in cracker formulations. c Black solid lines represent a simple linear regression of t-values (y) as a function of % cricket powder (x), and black dots represent observed t-values at each treatment level. d Vertical red line represents the M-HRT, which was interpolated as the % cricket powder associated with a critical predicted t-value (α = 0.05) of 1.67 (blue dashed horizontal line) from the simple linear regression (not found for texture, flavor, or overall liking).