(a) (Left) Cross-sectional
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image
of the plasmonic biointerface (scale bar, 100 nm). (Middle) Schematic
device structure of the plasmonic (ITO/ZnO/PTB7-Th:PC71BM/AuNI) biointerface.
(Right) SEM image of nanoislands at the plasmonic biointerface (scale
bar, 20 nm). (b) Absorption spectrum of ZnO/PTB7-Th:PC71BM (black
line) and ZnO/PTB7-Th:PC71BM/AuNI (orange line) thin films. The inset
shows absorbance of the AuNI layer (red line), which is calculated
by extracting it from the control biointerface without the gold layer
that has a smooth surface due to the absence of nanoislands (Figure S1a,b). (c) Schematic of the photocurrent
measurement setup. The patch pipette is kept close to the surface,
and the current is measured with a voltage-clamp mode. (d) Energy
band diagram of the plasmonic biointerface (with respect to vacuum).
(e) Photocurrent of control (black line) and plasmonic (orange dotted
line) biointerfaces illuminated under green light at 8.8 ± 0.2
× 1016 photons s–1·cm–2 with 10 ms pulse widths. The inset zooms on low photocurrent levels.
The capacitive current amplitude is defined as the maximal current
amplitude reached after the light onset. The faradic current is defined
as the current amplitude for 9 ms after the start of illumination
(Figure S5). (f) Lumerical FDTD simulation
of AuNI of the plasmonic biointerface. Top, middle, and bottom panels
show field profiles at 450, 530, and 630 nm, respectively. KEelectron = Ephoton – Ebarrier – Edeep traps, Ebarrier = 1.4 eV, Edeep trap = [0.5–0.8] eV. KEelectron at 450 nm = 2.75–1.4–0.8 = +0.55 eV, KEelectron at 530 nm = +0.14 eV and KEelectron at 630 nm =
−0.23 eV. While there is hot-electron injection in blue and
green spectral regions, we observe the nanoantenna effect at the red
spectral region.