A) Average read enrichment and heatmaps showing 5hmC enrichment in B6 (blue) and RJ2 (red) strains centered in a +/- 2 kb window around the PRDM9 B6 and RJ2 sites, respectively. 5hmC enrichment was calculated from pooled replicates within 50 bp bins and normalized by read per million and input. The sites on the heatmaps are ranked by decreasing PRDM9 signal intensity from top to bottom. (
B) Average read enrichment showing 5hmC enrichment (left y axis) and H3K4me3 or DMC1 read enrichment (right y axis) in the B6 (blue) and RJ2 (red) strains centered in a +/- 2 kb window around the DMC1 B6 and DMC1 RJ2 sites, respectively. Read distribution was calculated from pooled replicates within 50 bp bins, and normalized by library size and input, except for the DMC1 ChIP experiments. (
C) Top panels: Scatter plots of 5hmC enrichment
versus PRDM9 and H3K4me3 enrichment in the B6 (blue) and RJ2 (red) strain at the DMC1 B6 and DMC1 RJ2 sites, respectively (only sites featuring the strongest 5hmC signals, containing at least 6 CpGs in a window within +/- 250 bp around hotspots were considered, see
Figure 5 and Materials and methods). Read enrichment was calculated in a window within +/- 250 bp around hotspots (DMC1-SSDS) normalized by library size and input. Bottom panels: Scatter plot of 5hmC read enrichment versus SPO11-oligos peak strength (data available only for B6;
Lange et al., 2016) and DMC1 peak strength. Rho is the Spearman correlation coefficient.