(A) Average plot of CpG content in 100bp bins centered in a +/- 2 kb window around the DMC1 B6 and DMC1 RJ2 sites. (B) Boxplot of cytosine methylation level in the B6 mouse strain at different genomic sites. Boxes show the interquartile range (IQR; the middle 50% of scores) extending from the lower quartile (Q1; 25% of scores fall below this value) to the upper quartile (Q3; 25% of scores fall above this value). Black horizontal lines within boxes show median values. Upper and lower whiskers represent scores outside of IQR. Maximum and minimum scores show highest or lowest scores excluding outliers. DSB sites (B6 (PRDM9Dom2): blue, and RJ (PRDM9Cast): red), LINE (dark gray), IAP (gray), male imprinted control regions (light blue), female imprinted control regions (pink). Genome average (white). Only regions containing at least one CpG and one informative read were considered. (C) Average read enrichment and heatmaps showing 5hmC enrichment in the B6 (blue) and RJ2 (red) strains centered in a +/- 2 kb window around the PRDM9 B6 and RJ2 sites sorted by CpG content. CpG content was calculated within a window of +/- 250bp from the center of the PRDM9 sites. For a given CpG content, the sites on the heatmaps are ranked by decreasing PRDM9 signal intensity from top to bottom. (D) Average plots and heat maps of 5hmC, PRDM9, H3K4me3, H3K36me3 and DMC1 centered in a +/- 2 kb window around DMC1 B6 sites, sorted by CpG content. For a given CpG content, the sites on the heatmaps are ranked by decreasing PRDM9, H3K4me3, H3K36me3 and DMC1 signal intensity, from top to bottom.