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. 2020 Jul 16;30(12):6757–6769. doi: 10.1007/s00330-020-07064-5

Table 1.

Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of included patients

Variable Study cohort
Patients 73 (100)
  Radical prostatectomy (RPX) 33 (45)
  MRI-guided biopsy 30 (41)
  MRI-/US-fusion biopsy 10 (14)
Median age at definite diagnosis (years)* 66 (35–83)
Median time (months)*, MRI to tissue (biopsy, RPX) 0 (0–7)
Prior biopsy with post-biopsy changes in T1w*** 30 (41.1)
Mean PSA (ng/mL)** 12.14 (13.9; 15.8; 8.4) [NA: 16]
Localization (index lesion)
  PZ 66
  PZ/AFS 7
Median number of intra-prostatic lesions* 2 (1–3)
PI-RADS, index lesion***
  3 8 (11)
  4 26 (36)
  5 39 (53)
Gleason score, index lesion***
  3 + 3 15 (21)
  3 + 4 23 (32)
  4 + 3 15 (21)
  4 + 4 5 (7)
  4 + 5 11 (15)
  5 + 3 1 (1)
  5 + 4 1 (1)
  5 + 5 2 (3)
Gleason Grade Group, index lesion***
  1 15 (21)
  2 23 (32)
  3 15 (21)
  4 6 (8)
  5 14 (19)
Available, sufficient quality of sequences ***
  T2w 72 (99)
  ADC 73 (100)
  DCE 68 (93)
  pTNM, RPX-cohort*** 33 (100)
  pT2a 2 (6)
  pT2b 1 (3)
  pT2c 13 (40)
  pT3a 12 (36)
  pT3b 5 (15)
  pN0 29 (88)
  pN1 2 (6)
  pNX 2 (6)
  pM0 31 (94)
  pM1 1 (3)
  pMX 1 (3)
  pR0 24 (73)
  pR1 8 (24)
  pRX 1 (3)

If not otherwise depicted, the numbers without parenthesis depict absolute numbers. *Data in round parenthesis are the min/max values (interquartile range); **Data in round parenthesis are standard deviation and ± 95% confidence interval; ***Data in round parenthesis are relative values; Data in square parenthesis are not available values, excluded in the analysis; due to mathematical rounding, the summed relative values may differ slightly from 100. ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; AFS, anterior fibromuscular stroma; DCE, dynamic contrast enhanced; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NA, not available; PI-RADS, Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; PZ, peripheral zone; RPX, radical prostatectomy; T1w, T1-weighted; T2w, T2-weighted; US, ultrasonography