Table 2.
Case No. | Age in years/ Gen-der | Type of Comp | Signs and Symptoms | Respo-nse to Diure-tics | PaO2 /FiO2 | Fluid balance (24- hour) |
Predis-posing factors | Laboratory/ Radiology | ECG Chan-ges |
Sev-erity Gr-ade | Impu-tability | Mode of O2 Therapy |
1 | 67/F | RDPC | Dyspnea, ↑RR and ↑MAP |
Yes | 266 | +2259ml | HTN, albumin Tx |
B/L PI | N/S | 2 | Proba-ble | Face mask |
2 | 55/M | LD-PRBC | ↑RR and dyspnea | Yes | 285 | +3077 ml | AKI ascites, HRS, |
B lines in USG thorax | N/S | 2 | Proba-ble | Face mask |
3 | 46/M | LD-PRBC | Dyspnea and hypoxemia | Yes | 248 | +2876 ml | AKI albumin Tx |
B lines in USG thorax | N/S | 2 | Proba-ble | NIV |
4 | 43/M | LD-PRBC | ↑RR and dyspnea |
Yes | 138 | +3007 ml | AKI, albumin Tx | B/L PI with NT-Pro-BNP: 4756 pg/ml | N/S | 3 | Proba-ble | Mechan-ical ventilation |
5 | 56/M | FFP | ↑RR dyspnea and orthopnea | Yes | 98 | +3169 ml | AKI | B/L PI | N/S | 3 | Proba-ble | Mechan-ical ventilation |
6 | 70/M | MC | Hypoxemia | ± | 79 | +2900 ml | AKI, old Age, HTN |
B/L PI with NT-Pro-BNP: 6077 pg/ml | N/S | 3 | Possi-ble | Mechan-ical ventilation |
AKI: Acute kidney injury, B/L: Bilateral, Comp: Components, ECG: Electrocardiography, HRS: Hepatorenal syndrome, HTN: Hypertension, MC: Multiple Components, NT-Pro-BNP: N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, N/S: Not significant, NIV: Non-invasive ventilation, PI: Pulmonary Infiltrate, PaO2/FiO2: Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood divided by fraction of oxygen in inspiratory air, RR: Respiratory rate.