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. 2020 Feb;8(2):182–191. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(19)30367-4

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics

Biomarker-guided recommendation on antibiotics group (n=103) Routine use of antibiotics group (n=106)
Age (years) 57·5 (16·1) 56·2 (15·9)
Female 37 (36%) 39 (37%)
Male 66 (64%) 67 (63%)
APACHE II score 18·6 (8·3) 16·6 (6·8)
Total SOFA score 5·2 (2·5) 4·9 (2·8)
SOFA respiratory 2·6 (0·9) 2·4 (1·0)
SOFA renal 0·4 (0·8) 0·5 (1·0)
SOFA hepatic 0·3 (0·6) 0·4 (0·8)
SOFA cardiovascular 1·6 (1·6) 1·3 (1·6)
SOFA haematological 0·3 (0·6) 0·4 (0·8)
Functional comorbidity index score 1·3 (1·4) 1·4 (1·2)
Medical admission 59 (57%) 70 (66%)
Surgical admission 44 (43%) 36 (34%)
Admission category
Respiratory 18 (17%) 24 (23%)
Gastrointestinal or liver 7 (7%) 10 (9%)
Cardiovascular 17 (17%) 9 (8%)
Trauma 23 (22%) 23 (22%)
Sepsis 4 (4%) 4 (4%)
Obstetrics and gynaecology 0 1 (1%)
Neurological (non-trauma) 20 (19%) 21 (20%)
Other 14 (14%) 14 (13%)
Clinician pre-test suspicion of ventilator-associated pneumonia*
Low 10 (10%) 7 (7%)
Medium 33 (32%) 51 (48%)
High 59 (57%) 48 (45%)
Number of days in ICU before bronchoalveolar lavage 10·2 (8·7) 10·6 (10·4)
Confirmed ventilator-associated pneumonia 38 (37%) 32 (30%)
Acute respiratory distress syndrome§
Mild (26·7–40·0 kPa) 11 (11%) 11 (10%)
Moderate (13·3–<26·7 kPa) 16 (16%) 11 (10%)
Severe (<13·3 kPa) 1 (1%) 5 (5%)
Vasopressors 38 (37%) 37 (35%)
Renal replacement therapy 8 (8%) 4 (4%)
Use of corticosteroids 17 (17%) 15 (14%)
Receiving antibiotics at randomisation 83 (81%) 87 (82%)
Temperature (°C)* 37·4 (1·0) 37·7 (0·9)
White cell count (× 109/L) 14·4 (5·4) 15·5 (7·2)
C-reactive protein (mg/L) 153·0 (97·9) 157·6 (107·3)
Positive end-expiratory pressure (cm H2O) 7·5 (2·9) 7·8 (2·6)
Peak airway pressure (cm H2O)** 20·5 (6·4) 21·3 (7·1)
PaO2:FiO2 (kPa)†† 29·1 (20·4–39·7) 25·3 (18·5–36·0)

Data are mean (SD), n (%), or median (IQR). APACHE=acute physiology and chronic health evaluation. SOFA=sequential organ failure assessment. ICU=intensive care unit.


One patient from the biomarker-guided group missing.

Three patients (one from the biomarker-guided group) missing.

One patient from the routine use of antibiotics group missing.


Two patients (one from the biomarker-guided group) missing.

85 patients (43 from the biomarker-guided group) missing.

Two patients from the biomarker-guided group missing.


23 patients (eight from the biomarker-guided group) missing.


Seven patients (three from the biomarker-guided group) missing.