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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Oct 31.
Published in final edited form as: Pediatrics. 2019 Sep 9;144(4):e20190824. doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-0824


Characteristics of Sample by Food Security Status (January 1, 2009, to December 31, 2017)

Variable Overall Children FS HFI/Child Secure HFI/CFI Pa
Total, N (%) 28 184 (100) 20 487 (72.7) 3954 (14.0) 3743 (13.3)
Site, n (%) <.0001
 Baltimore 5073 (18.0) 3965 (19.4) 642 (16.2) 466 (12.4)
 Boston 5648 (20.0) 3682 (18.0) 948 (24.0) 1018 (27.2)
 Little Rock 6114 (21.7) 4629 (22.6) 774 (19.6) 711 (19.0)
 Minneapolis 4814 (17.1) 2983 (14.6) 838 (21.2) 993 (26.5)
 Philadelphia 6535 (23.2) 5228 (25.5) 752 (19.0) 555 (14.8)
Mothers’ place of birth, n (%) <.0001
 US born 21 051 (74.8) 16 067 (78.5) 2766 (70.1) 2218 (59.3)
 Immigrant 7099 (25.2) 4395 (21.5) 1181 (29.9) 1523 (40.7)
Child sex, n (%)
 Female 13 107 (46.5) 9517 (46.5) 1869 (47.3) 1721 (46.0) .5055
 Male 15 077 (53.5) 10970 (53.5) 2085 (52.7) 2022 (54.0)
Child age, mo <.0001
 Mean (SD) 18.5 (13.3) 18.1 (13.2) 18.9 (13.6) 20.5 (13.5)
 Median (25th, 75th %) 16.4 (7, 28) 15.9 (7, 28) 16.6 (7, 30) 19.2 (9, 31)
Mother ethnicity, n (%) <.0001
 Hispanic 9345 (33.5) 6204 (30.6) 1511 (38.5) 1630 (44.1)
 African American non-Hispanic 13 826 (49.5) 10 582 (52.1) 1744 (44.5) 1500 (40.6)
 White non-Hispanic 3799 (13.6) 2842 (14.0) 525 (13.4) 432 (11.7)
 Other 950 (3.4) 673 (3.3) 140 (3.6) 137 (3.7)
Married or partnered, n (%) <.0001
 No 18 801 (66.8) 13 811 (67.5) 2684 (67.9) 2306 (61.7)
 Yes 9344 (33.2) 6644 (32.5) 1268 (32.1) 1432 (38.3)
Maternal education, n (%) <.0001
 Never, elementary, or some high school 7420 (26.4) 4978 (24.3) 1206 (30.5) 1236 (33.1)
 High school 11 131 (39.6) 8306 (40.6) 1473 (37.3) 1352 (36.3)
 Technical school, college, master’s degree 9582 (34.1) 7171 (35.1) 1270 (32.2) 1141 (30.6)
Mothers <.0001
N 28 080 20 415 3945 3720
 Age, mean (SD) 27.0 (5.9) 26.5 (5.8) 27.5 (6.2) 28.8 (6.2)
 Age, median (25th, 75th %) 26.0 (22, 31) 25.0 (22, 30) 26.0 (23, 32) 28.0 (24, 33)
Maternal BMI <.0001
N 22 351 16 486 3153 2712
 Mean (SD) 27.5 (5.3) 27.3 (5.3) 27.9 (5.3) 27.9 (5.3)
 Median (25th, 75th %) 27.0 (23, 31) 26.6 (23, 31) 27.5 (24, 32) 27.8 (24, 32)
Maternal BMI category, n (%) <.0001
 Underweight (<18.5) 514 (2.3) 400 (2.5) 60 (1.9) 54 (2.0)
 Healthy wt (18.5–24.9) 7376 (33.4) 5628 (34.5) 942 (30.2) 806 (30.0)
 Overweight (25–29.9) 7067 (32.0) 5225 (32.0) 981 (31.5) 861 (32.0)
 Obesity (≥30) 7157 (32.4) 5059 (31.0) 1132 (36.3) 966 (36.0)
Mother employed, n (%) <.0001
 No 16 584 (58.9) 11 727 (57.3) 2427 (61.5) 2430 (65.0)
 Yes 11 557 (41.1) 8729 (42.7) 1522 (38.5) 1306 (35.0)
Child breastfed, n (%) <.0001
 No 10 146 (36.0) 7861 (38.4) 1272 (32.2) 1013 (27.1)
 Yes 18 022 (64.0) 12615 (61.6) 2682 (67.8) 2725 (72.9)
Depression, n (%) <.0001
 No 21 653 (76.9) 16 830 (82.3) 2593 (65.6) 2230 (59.6)
 Yes 6494 (23.1) 3622 (17.7) 1360 (34.4) 1512 (40.4)
SNAP, n (%) .0004
 No 9889 (35.3) 7086 (34.9) 1382 (35.2) 1421 (38.2)
 Yes 18 089 (64.7) 13 242 (65.1) 2548 (64.8) 2299 (61.8)
WIC, n (%) .1689
 No 6822 (24.4) 5019 (24.6) 930 (23.7) 873 (23.5)
 Yes 21 194 (75.6) 15 346 (75.4) 3001 (76.3) 2847 (76.5)
Current subsidized housing, n (%) .2748
 No 22 869 (81.1) 16 669 (81.4) 3192 (80.7) 3008 (80.4)
 Yes 5315 (18.9) 3818 (18.6) 762 (19.3) 735 (19.6)
LIHEAP, n (%) .8363
 No 20 685 (83.5) 14 919 (83.4) 2944 (83.6) 2822 (83.8)
 Yes 4102 (16.5) 2976 (16.6) 579 (16.4) 547 (16.2)
TANF, n (%) .0007
 No 21 347 (76.1) 15 619 (76.7) 2919 (74.0) 2809 (75.2)
 Yes 6705 (23.9) 4755 (23.3) 1026 (26.0) 924 (24.8)
Low birth wt, n (%) .0716
 No 23 903 (86.0) 17 392 (85.9) 3327 (85.1) 3184 (86.9)
 Yes 3906 (14.0) 2844 (14.1) 583 (14.9) 479 (13.1)
Wt-age >90th %, n (%) .6207
 No 23 771 (84.3) 17 305 (84.5) 3318 (83.9) 3148 (84.1)
 Yes 4413 (15.7) 3182 (15.5) 636 (16.1) 595 (15.9)
Wt-age <5th %, n (%) .4861
 No 25 820 (91.6) 18 778 (91.7) 3604 (91.1) 3438 (91.9)
 Yes 2364 (8.4) 1709 (8.3) 350 (8.9) 305 (8.1)
Height-age <5th %, n (%) .3436
 No 13 845 (87.7) 9899 (87.5) 1986 (87.5) 1960 (88.6)
 Yes 1949 (12.3) 1413 (12.5) 284 (12.5) 252 (11.4)
Fair or poor child health, n (%) <.0001
 No 25 076 (89.1) 18 496 (90.4) 3421 (86.7) 3159 (84.6)
 Yes 3071 (10.9) 1967 (9.6) 527 (13.3) 577 (15.4)
Developmental risk, n (%) <.0001
 No 20 949 (88.5) 15 221 (89.1) 2916 (87.5) 2812 (86.0)
 Yes 2729 (11.5) 1856 (10.9) 417 (12.5) 456 (14.0)

LIHEAP, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program; TANF, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; —, not applicable.


χ2 testing was used for categorical variables and analysis of variance was used for continuous variables.