Outcomes to ICI treatment in the group of patients treated with intercurrent steroids for tumor-related indication compared with the group of patients receiving intercurrent steroids for tumor-unrelated indications and with the group of steroid-free patients. (A) shows overall survival (OS) in baseline-treated patients with steroids (green line), steroids free population (blue line), and intercurrent steroids treated patients (red line). (B) shows OS in steroid-free population (blue line), intercurrent steroid treatment for cancer-related indications (orange line), and intercurrent steroids treatment for non-cancer-related indications (green line) (cancer-related vs. non-cancer-related, p < 0.002). (C) As in (A) but progression-free survival (PFS), (D) as in (B) but PFS (cancer-related vs. non-cancer-related p = 0.05).