Mean |
Intra-tumoral heterogeneity |
Age |
Median |
Multifocality |
Gender |
Minimum |
Midline shift |
Tumor localization |
Skewness |
Sinus invasion |
Completeness of resection |
Spherical Disproportion |
Necrosis/Hemorrhage |
Postoperative radiation |
Cluster Prominence |
Mass effect |
Progression-free survival |
Difference Entropy |
Cystic component |
Inverse Difference Normalized |
Bone invasion |
Run Length Non-uniformity |
Hyperostosis |
Short-Run Low Gray-Level Emphasis |
Spiculation |
High-Intensity Large Area Emphasis |
Edema |
Low-Intensity Large Area Emphasis |
Low-Intensity Small Area Emphasis |
Wavelet |
Laplacian of Gaussian |