Table 4.
Author | Country | Number of Centers | Study Type | #Of Participants | Gaps Identified |
Pace (2017) [13] | N/A | N/A | Systematic Review and Expert Opinion | 223 articles on palliative care needs and management of glioma |
Halkett (2018) [36] | Australia | 4 | Prospective cohort | 118 caregivers of HGG patients |
Sizoo (2012) [27] | Netherlands | 3 | Cross-sectional survey | 101 providers 50 relatives of decedents with HGG |
• Physicians are often unaware of patients’ end-of-life preferences |
Gofton (2012)40 | USA | 1 | Retrospective data analysis | 101 deceased HGG patients |
Hemminger (2017) [43] | USA | 1 | Retrospective cohort | 117 decedents with GBM | • Patients received late ACP documentation and minimal early palliative care |
Diamond (2017) [46] | USA | 1 | Mixed methods (prognostic awareness assessment tool and semi-structured interviews) | 50 patients with HGG with 32 matched caregivers |
Sizoo (2014) [49] | N/A | N/A | Systematic Review | 17 studies addressing the end-of-life phase for HGG patients | • Limited research and no adequate guidelines on end of life care for HGG patients, including symptom management, ACP, and organization of care |
Collins (2014) [55] | Australia | 4 | Retrospective cohort | 1160 decedents with PMBT | • Under-utilization of palliative care in patients who survived a first hospital admission but died within 120 days |
Forst (2017) [56] | USA | 1 | Retrospective analysis | 12,437 decedents with malignant glioma | • Patients often referred late (<7 days before death) to hospice |
Mehta (2018) [61] | USA | 17 | Cross-sectional survey | 17 neuro-oncology fellowship program directors | • No consistent palliative care education for neuro-oncology fellows |
Philip (2014) [62] | Australia | 2 | Qualitative interviews | 10 patients with HGG | • Patients perceived providers as focused on “here and now,” lacking openness about the future, reluctant to discuss palliative care |
HGG: High-grade glioma; DNR: Do not resuscitate; GBM: Glioblastoma; ACP: Advance care planning; PMBT: Primary malignant brain tumor.