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. 2020 Oct 8;12(10):3070. doi: 10.3390/nu12103070

Table 6.

The effects of the Fe(III) and Cr(III) levels in the diet on the lipid profile in rats.

Factors Factor A Level (mg/kg) Factor B Level (mg/kg) N Parameters
Group Triglycerides (TG) Concentration (mg/dL) p Total Cholesterol Concentration (mg/dL) p LDL Cholesterol (mg/dL) p HDL Cholesterol (mg/dL) p
Main Effects
(Mean ± SD)
Fe-deficiency 5 D 18 38.375 ± 11.372 NS 84.278 ± 11.876 NS 44.193 ± 7.771 NS 29.205 ± 1.893 b p < 0.05
Fe-control 45 C 18 46.118 ± 10.879 81.333 ± 12.049 44.858 ± 10.884 27.634 ± 2.272 a
Fe-oversupply 180 H 18 43.000 ± 9.507 90.833 ± 20.709 48.318 ± 11.981 29.219 ± 2.683 b
Cr-control dose 1 1 18 44.647 ± 11.113 NS 87.889 ± 27.357 NS 44.737 ± 12.250 NS 29.428 ± 2.830 NS
Cr-medium dose 50 50 18 41.412 ± 11.125 80.278 ± 14.776 43.155 ± 9.330 27.878 ± 2.126
Cr-high dose 500 500 18 41.625 ± 10.682 88.278 ± 14.228 48.491 ± 8.589 28.515 ± 1.950
Factors Combinations Interaction Effects
(Mean ± SD)
Fe-deficiency 5 1 D1 6 38.000 ± 7.714 NS 90.000 ± 10.526 NS 43.613 ± 2.867 NS 30.586 ± 1.151 a,b p < 0.05
5 50 D50 6 36.500 ± 8.939 77.000 ± 13.221 42.223 ± 10.164 28.370 ± 2.210 a,b
5 500 D500 6 41.000 ± 17.649 85.833 ± 9.390 46.550 ± 7.831 28.750 ± 1.712 a,b
Fe-control 45 1 C1 6 47.167 ± 13.029 80.000 ± 14.873 43.348 ± 13.019 27.218 ± 3.007 a,b
45 50 C50 6 48.800 ± 13.971 73.167 ± 3.251 36.756 ± 3.855 26.488 ± 1.410 a
45 500 C500 6 42.833 ± 5.601 90.833 ± 8.448 53.120 ± 6.883 29.197 ± 1.345 a,b
Fe-oversupply 180 1 H1 6 47.667 ± 10.727 93.667 ± 23.922 47.945 ± 18.446 30.920 ± 2.368 b
180 50 H50 6 40.167 ± 8.635 90.667 ± 18.811 52.553 ± 5.148 29.348 ± 2.031 a,b
180 500 H500 6 40.800 ± 8.585 88.167 ± 22.666 44.458 ± 10.752 27.416 ± 2.644 a,b

Note: The values which do not have the same superscript letter are significantly different (p < 0.05); NS: no significant effect; SD: standard deviation.