Figure 6.
Fibroblast cell patterning on the MSAs. (A) Microscopic images revealed a weak, moderate, and strong patterning of fibroblast cells on Fn-coated Petal, Bullet, and Pillar, respectively. Cells showed high viability (virtually no dead cells) on all the array structures. (B) Side- and (C) top-view schematics illustrated the definition of cells on the pattern and not on the pattern (off-pattern). (D) Scatter plot of the cell distance from the center of the microstructure. Scale-0 of the Y-axis represents the center of the microstructure. Bullet and Pillar showed cells mostly arranged close to the microstructure, but Petal showed a random distribution of cells around the microstructures. (E) Cell patternability and viability in percentage. (F,G) 3D projection of live cells on the Bullet and Pillar substrates revealed that the cells attached to the pattern showed upward elongation along the walls of the microstructure. Error bars: (E) STDEV. Scale bar: (A) 100 μm; (F,G) 50 μm.