Table 4.
White matter regions from the ICBM-DTI-81 White Matter Atlas for which significant decreased RTOP values were found in EM compared to HC.
White Matter Region | Minimum p-Value (FWE-Corrected) | Volume (mm3) | MNI Peak Coordinate (mm), (x,y,z) |
Middle cerebellar peduncle | 0.042 | 908 | (13,−30,−26) |
Superior cerebellar peduncle R/L | 0.042/0.042 | 65/65 | (7,−32,−19)/(−5,−31,−18) |
Inferior cerebellar peduncle L | 0.045 | 96 | (−13,−45,−31) |
Genu of corpus callosum | 0.047 | 44 | (18,31,15) |
Anterior corona radiata R | 0.044 | 446 | (26,35,−1) |
Superior corona radiata R | 0.048 | 84 | (23,−12,19) |
External capsule R/L | 0.042/0.046 | 415/392 | (33,−19,−2)/(−33,−13,1) |
Posterior limb of internal capsule R/L | 0.042/0.046 | 285/420 | (20,−20,−4)/(−22,−8,14) |
Retrolenticular part of internal capsule R/L | 0.041/0.044 | 244/314 | (37,−26,−2)/(−37,−34,2) |
Anterior limb of internal capsule L | 0.046 | 43 | (−17,−2,12) |
Sagittal stratum R/L | 0.041/0.044 | 243/97 | (39,−29,−5)/(−40,−29,−6) |
Cerebral peduncle R | 0.042 | 254 | (12,−25,−21) |
Corticospinal tract R/L | 0.042/0.042 | 156/135 | (11,−25,−22)/(−7,−25,−26) |
Medial lemniscus R/L | 0.045/0.046 | 83/87 | (9,−32,−25)/(−4,−37,−30) |
Pontine crossing tract | 0.042 | 163 | (−4,−30,−28) |
Fornix (cres) R | 0.041 | 148 | (32,−22,−6) |
Uncinate fasciculus R | 0.043 | 32 | (35,−4,−14) |
FWE = Family-wise error; L = left; R = right. The column volume represents the volume from the atlas region with significant results. No regions with a volume equal or lower than 30 mm3 were included in this table.