SDH segmentation results on severe (>50 cc of blood) subjects. (a) The original CT image, (b) the probability map corresponding to the output of the classifier, (c) the segmented region before post-processing, (d) the segmentation result after post-processing, (e) the ground truth. Cases 5 and 6 are severe patients with total blood volume of less than 100 cc, while cases 7 and 8 have total blood volume of 100 to 200 cc. Finally, case 9’s SDH volume is over 200 cc. Cases 5, 8, and 9 contain a mix of acute and chronic hematoma. Case 6 is an example of chronic hematoma, while case 7 is acute. In (a,c–e), the gray region corresponds to brain texture in the original CT image. In (b), the colormap ranging from blue to red is associated with probability from zero to one.