Overall level of agreement scored on a scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree) towards different statements for the different castration alternatives “If the castration method was clearly labelled, I would surely buy…” (WTB), “I think that is totally safe to eat meat from …” (SAFE), “When I think about the following production method, it seems logical to me that animal welfare is best for …” (WELFARE), “If I consider the tastiness of meat, I prefer meat from…” (TASTE), ”I am completely convinced that this is the best option …” (BEST PRACTICE) for castration without pain relief—CONTROL, castration with anaesthesia—ANAE, Immunocastration — IMMUNO, and no castration—BOAR. a–d different superscripts indicate significant differences within statement variables per option (p < 0.05).