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. 2020 Oct 9;12(10):3081. doi: 10.3390/nu12103081

Table 2.

Fatigue sub-scales of the MFI20 and quality of life (EORTC QLQ-C30) in the intention-to-treat population.

Baseline (T0) End of CT (T1) End of RT (T2) 1 Year after Inclusion (T3) LMM Coefficients 1 (95% CI)
Mean SD Mean SD p Mean SD p Mean SD p
General fatigue (Endpoint) Control 9.63 4.2 12.19 4.21 0.683 10.79 4.44 0.107 10.58 3.84 0.231 β1 = 0.33 [−0.40; 1.07], p = 0.374
APAD 9.95 4.18 11.97 4.37 11.65 4.44 11.1 4.07 β0 = 0.24 [0.014; 0.034], p < 0.05
Median (range) of the relative difference 2 Control 0.25 (−0.67; 3.0) 0.083 (−0.60; 3.50) 0.20 (−0.69; 3.5)
APAD 0.21 (−0.5; 2.75) 0.20 (−0.58; 3.25) 0.15 (−0.6; 3.0)
p = 0.274 p = 0.157 p = 0.933
Physical fatigue Control 9.55 3.72 11.28 4.05 0.896 10.61 3.96 0.985 10.1 3.63 0.742 β1 = −0.15 [−0.81; 0.52], p = 0.670
APAD 9.11 3.85 11.33 4.19 10.64 4.25 10.06 3.77 β0 = 0.02 [0.007; 0.025], p < 0.05
Mental fatigue 3 Control 7.66 3.81 9.19 4.26 1 8.9 4.31 1 8.82 4.26 0.872 β2 = −0.015 [−0.035; 0.005], p = 0.152
APAD 8.57 4.07 9.15 4.24 9.06 4.71 9.06 4.65 β0 = 0.03 [0.013; 0.042], p < 0.05
Reduced activities Control 8.34 3.64 10.12 4.26 0.466 9.14 3.92 0.433 8.75 4.02 0.743 β1 = 0.30 [−0.40; 0.99], p = 0.399
APAD 9.01 4.01 9.84 4.64 9.67 4.49 8.9 4 β0 = 0.004 [−0.005; 0.014], p = 0.402
Reduced motivation 3 Control 7.73 3.5 8.22 3.92 0.587 7.84 3.46 0.651 8.07 3.19 0.572 β1 = −0.30 [−0.34; 0.93], p = 0.360
APAD 8.54 3.73 8.31 3.7 8.15 3.77 8.1 3.83 β0 = 0.002 [−0.006; 0.009], p = 0.696
Global health status Control 69.94 18.67 59.39 21.22 0.516 66.55 19.53 0.429 67.44 19.3 0.537 β1 = −0.0026 [−0.071; 0.065], p = 0.940
APAD 68.45 19.55 60.83 21.34 64.82 19.1 69.17 17.76 β0 = 0.001 [−0.001; 0.001], p = 0.824
Physical functioning Control 87.17 14.59 79.79 19.1 0.219 84.4 15.38 0.083 85.45 17.26 0.194 β1 = −0.020 [−0.034; 0.075], p = 0.466
APAD 88.48 14.64 82 19.58 86.49 17.11 89.46 12.95 β0 = −0.0001 [−0.0007; 0.0006], p = 0.873
Role functioning Control 84.46 22.16 77.99 23.34 0.257 84.35 21.03 0.966 87.05 18.48 0.309 β1 = 0.026 [−0.073; 0.125], p = 0.607
APAD 86.57 20.4 80.63 23.25 83.8 22.01 90.05 16.86 β0 = 0.0009 [−0.0005; 0.0022], p = 0.220
Emotional functioning Control 63.7 23.52 72.75 24.83 0.211 75.51 23.09 0.309 73.26 20.1 0.679 β1 = 0.007 [−0.106; 0.119], p = 0.910
APAD 63.66 23.95 70.5 22.93 73.1 23.28 73.21 23.33 β0 = 0.004 [0.002; 0.005], p < 0.01
Cognitive functioning Control 85.21 20.5 79.3 25.14 0.657 80.16 21.75 0.849 79.97 23.42 0.957 β1 = −0.019 [−0.114; 0.076], p = 0.695
APAD 84.17 20.32 78.56 24.37 79.58 22.4 80.24 23.12 β0 = −0.002 [−0.004; −0.001], p < 0.01
Social functioning Control 82.58 24.15 66.77 30.63 0.827 73.58 27.71 0.23 82.04 23.99 0.849 β1 = 0.003 [−0.128; 0.134], p = 0.964
APAD 84.45 21.97 66.44 29.73 69.84 28.42 83.6 21.78 β0 = −0.00008 [−0.002; 0.002], p = 0.942
Fatigue symptom Control 28.54 21.86 44.87 27.24 0.934 34.62 25.73 0.152 32.26 21.96 0.935 β1 = −0.042 [−0.248; 0.164], p = 0.687
APAD 28.49 23.35 45.38 29.13 37.4 23.8 31.63 21.15 β0 = 0.004 [0.001; 0.007], p = 0.018

1 In the linear mixed model (LMM; log transformed variables): β1 is the coefficient of the variable ‘arm’ (interpreted as APAD effect with respect to Control) noted as β2 when interaction (arm by time) was significant. β0 is the coefficient of the variable time (weeks) variable. 2 For each patient, the relative difference (RD) with respect to the baseline value of the General fatigue subscale at the end of chemotherapy (CT), end of radiotherapy (RT; end of the oncological treatment), and 1 year after inclusion was calculated as: (GFS_endRT − GFS_Inclusion)/GFS_Inclusion. A smaller RD indicates a greater reduction in general fatigue. 3 A baseline imbalance between arms was observed for Mental fatigue (p = 0.019) and Reduced motivations (p = 0.025). No other baseline imbalance was observed.