Table 2.
Study design, marketing strategy, retailer format, country, study duration, data source, objectives, outcomes, and key findings for studies included in research Question 2 (n = 54).
Reference | Marketing Strategy | Retail Format | Country | Study Duration | Data Source | Objective | Outcome | Key Findings |
Andorfer, et al. (2015) [59] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store |
Germany | 5 mo (5 March, 2012– 29 July 2012) | Scanner/panel data Customer surveys Direct observation |
To identify how information, price, and moral considerations influence consumers’ purchases of fair trade (FT) coffee products. | Purchase volume Purchase frequency |
- A 20% TPR had a positive effect on coffee purchase volume when compared to the effects of information and moral appeal. |
Arce-Urriza, et al. (2017) [65] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store Online retailer |
Spain | 6 mo (15 May 2007–15 November 2007) | Scanner/panel data | To evaluate the differential effect of price promotions on brand choice when shopping at a grocery store’s online outlet vs. brick-and-mortar store. | Brand choice | - Price promotions had a positive effect on purchases made in-person but not on purchases made online. - Frequent customers were more responsive to price promotions than infrequent customers. |
Awan, et al. (2015) [80] | Price Promotion |
Not specified | Pakistan | Not specified | Customer surveys | To identify which factors affect consumers’ decisions to purchase Halal food. | Purchase attitude | - Customers were influenced by Halal marketing and branding practices (e.g., sales promotions and celebrity endorsements). - Customers were willing to spend considerable effort and money to purchase Halal food as a result of Halal marketing. |
Aziz, et al. (2013) [101] | Promotion | Other (shopping mall) | Malaysia | Not specified | Customer surveys | To determine the relationships between factors, including Halal marketing, and intention to purchase Halal products. | Purchase attitude | - Halal marketing promotion was positively related to purchase intention. |
Banks et al. (2016) [93] | Placement | Convenience store | UK | Not specified | Marketing data | To describe the impact of endcap placement and shelf-ready cases for cookies sales. | Purchase volume Spending Market share |
- Marketing efforts led to an increase in shoppers’ basket size (two-fold increase), spending (£3 increase), and market size (increased to £3.8bn) for cookies. |
Bogomolova et al. (2019) [50] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | Australia | 3 years (2 February 2012–31 December 2014) | Interviews/focus groups Loyalty card data |
To assess reasons for first-time and impulse purchases | Product trialing Impulse purchasing |
- The most common factor that prompted first-time brand purchases and impulse purchases was an item being placed on price promotion or having a special offer. |
Breugelmans and Campo (2016) [63] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store Online retailer |
UK | 78 weeks (July 2006–December 2007) | Scanner/panel data | To examine the cross-channel effects of price promotions (online vs. offline) on category purchase decisions. | Purchase incidence Purchase volume |
- Price promotions had positive effects on purchasing decisions and degree of impact varied based on customer brand loyalty. - Promotions in one channel decreased category purchases in the other channel during the promotion period (online price promotions had a stronger impact on offline purchase decisions than vice versa). - High promotion frequency had negative effects on future promotion effectiveness. |
Čábelková et al. (2015) [78] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | Czech Republic | 2 months (October 2013–November 2013) | Customer surveys | To determine which activities are associated with customer store loyalty and differential effects by customer socio-demographic characteristics. | Customer loyalty | - Customer loyalty is linked to low prices and discount sales. - 44% of respondents said prices were one of the factors that compel them to make all their purchases in only one supermarket chain. - Probability of ranking prices and sales promotions as important factors was higher among older respondents and respondents who spent more monthly at supermarkets. |
Caruso et al. (2018) [83] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | Australia, New Zealand | 56 hours (December 2008 and December 2015) | Direct observation | To assess how foot traffic and visual reach of endcaps differ by location. | Foot traffic Visual attention |
- Back-of-store endcaps had 24% more foot traffic and 30% more visual reach than front-of-store endcaps. |
Caspi et al. (2017) [84] | Placement Promotion | Dollar store Convenience store Other (pharmacy) |
US | 5 months (July 2014–November 2014) | Customer surveys Direct observation |
To examine whether customers who shop at small/non-traditional food stores with more health promotions make healthier purchases. | Healthy eating index-2010 (HEI) score of products purchased | - Controlling for individual characteristics and store type, HEI scores for purchases were higher in stores with greater shelf space for fruits and vegetables. - Healthy advertisements on the store exterior were associated with lower purchase HEI scores. - The presence of interior healthy advertisements were not associated with purchase HEI scores. |
Farrag (2012) [79] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | Egypt | Not specified | Interviews/focus groups | To measure to what extent compliance with Shariah moderates the relationship between sales promotion methods (price discount, product sampling, buy one get one free, sweepstakes/ lucky draws, scratch and win offers) of convenient products and consumer behaviors (product trial, stockpiling, spending more). | Purchase attitude | - Price discounts and buy-one-get-one were associated with self-reported stockpiling and spending more. - Price discounts had the strongest impact on consumer behavior (compared to sweepstakes/ lucky draw, scratch-and-win, free samples). - The relationship between price discounts and consumer behavior was moderated by Shariah law because some practices (e.g., scratch-and-win and sweepstake draws) were not compliant with Shariah law. |
Felgate et al. (2012) [68] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | UK | 86 weeks (29 May 2006–21 January 2008) | Scanner/panel data | To assess how supermarket loyalty card data can be used to analyze the effect of price promotions on spending. | Spending by product subgroup | - Promotions accounted for 14% of the variance in sales of beef. - While overall impact of promotion on sales of beef was insignificant, there was variability by cut of meat, customer group, and price promotions. |
Fornari et al. (2013) [60] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | Italy | 2011 | Scanner/panel data | To assess the impact of different retailing-mix levers on private label market share. | Purchase volume | - Findings suggest partial support for price promotion increasing market share. - A significant presence on shelves, in width (increase in the number of product categories) and depth (increase in the number of SKUs in each product category) increased sales, suggesting that assortment is more important than price promotion. |
Goić et al. (2011) [75] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | Not specified | Not specified | To investigate the effects of cross-market promotions (e.g., grocery store purchases that lead to price discounts for gas) on purchase volume and sales price. | Purchase volume Sales price |
- Offering cross-market discounts on gas for grocery purchases led to an increase in both price and quantity of groceries purchased. |
Guan et al. (2018) [54] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | 2 years (2003–2005) | Scanner/panel data | To compare the effects of individually-targeted coupons for less healthful and more healthful foods on consumer purchasing patterns. | Purchase volume | - Being exposed to coupons resulted in an increase in the rate of purchase as compared to those without coupons. - People responded more to targeted coupons than to untargeted coupons. - Targeted coupons significantly increased purchases of both healthy and less healthy items, with greater increases in the purchases of less healthy items. |
Hong et al. (2016) [94] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | UK | Not specified | Scanner/panel data Direct observation |
To examine whether the assortment or placement of one category affects purchase incidence in a different category that shares a common display space (e.g., frozen meals and ice cream). | Purchase incidence | - Consumers were less likely to purchase from a category of a given assortment when it was presented with another category assortment of greater variety and this effect was driven by the display proximity. |
Huang et al. (2012) [57] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | Not specified | Customer surveysDirect observation | To identify shopper trip-level and point-of-purchase-level drivers of unplanned consideration and purchase behavior. | Purchase incidenceImpulse purchases | - An impulse purchase was more likely if a shopper viewed fewer product shelf displays, stood closer to the shelf, and referenced external information. |
Jamal et al. (2012) [81] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | UK | Not specified | Interviews/focus groups | To investigate “ethnic” consumers’ responses to different sales promotions. | Perceived importance for purchase decisions | - “Ethnic” customers reported a range of responses to sales promotion—some were responsive, some hostile—depending on the “net worth” of the sales promotion. |
Johnson et al. (2013) [58] | PlacementPrice | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | Not specified | Scanner/panel data | To examine how customized temporal discounts influence consumers’ decisions to purchase products and overall profit of the retailers. | Purchase incidence Brand choice Profit |
- The customization of discounts by time and value yielded an increase in profits of 18–40% relative to a model that optimizes the value of the discounts. |
Kacen et al. (2012) [62] | Placement Price |
Supermarket/ grocery store | US | Not specified | Customer surveys | To assess the effect of retailing factors on the likelihood that a consumer will make an impulse purchase. | Impulse purchasing | - Products on sale and on display in a high–low pricing store increased the probability of an impulse buy to 7%. - A product had a 13.3% likelihood of being purchased if it was not on sale but a 17.6% likelihood if it was on sale. - A product had a 13.3% likelihood of being purchased if it was not on display, but a 20% likelihood if it was on display. |
Kim et al. (2011) [66] | Price | Not specified | Japan | 32 years (1976–2008) | Scanner/panel data Marketing data |
To understand how changes among manufacturers in budget allocation from advertising to sales promotion affects sales volume and profitability. | Purchase volume profit |
- Expenditure on sales promotion was associated with an increase in total volume sales but a decrease in profitability. |
Leeflang et al. (2012) [70] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | Spain | 1 year | Scanner/panel data | To determine the impact of price promotions in one category on the revenues of other categories. | Purchase volume Sales revenue |
- Half of all price promotions expanded revenues for that category, especially for categories with deeper supported discounts. - There was a 61% probability that a price promotion affected sales of at least one other category. - Cross-promotional effects between categories more closely located in a store existed. |
Levy and Gendel-Guterman (2012) [98] | Promotion | Supermarket/ grocery store | Not specified | Not specified | Customer surveys | To understand how consumer characteristics are correlated with advertising and the tendency to impulse buy store brands. | Impulse purchasing | - Advertising was positively correlated to the tendency to engage in impulse buying. |
Liang et al. (2017) [82] | PromotionPrice | Other (organic market) | Taiwan | 2 month (2012) | Customer surveys | To understand organic food consumers’ preferences for specific promotional programs (e.g., discounts, giveaways, limited time offers). | Purchase attitude | - Consumers preferred the programs in the discount category and the free giveaway category. - Limited time offers reduced purchase intention. |
Mamiya et al. (2018) [71] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store Convenience storeOther (pharmacy) |
Canada | 6 years (January 2008–December 2013) | Scanner/panel data | To assess whether there was a differential impact of price discounting of soda on sales by store-neighborhood education. | Purchase volume | - Across all levels of education and types of store, discounting was positively associated with soda sales. - The modification of the effect of price discounting by education was most prominent in pharmacies, where the average log sales associated with discounting increased as education decreased. |
Minnema et al. (2017) [100] | Promotion | Supermarket/ grocery store | Netherlands | 20 weeks (2010) | Scanner/panel data | To examine the effectiveness of instant reward programs with bonus premiums (i.e., collectible giveaways). | Shopping tripsCategory purchase incidence Brand choice Purchase volume |
- Instant giveaway of collectible premiums resulted in increased brand and category choice probability, but no change in purchase quantity. - Consumers were more likely to choose the promoted brand if it was promoted with both the bonus premium and price discount compared to when it was promoted with just a price discount. |
Mortimer and Weeks (2011) [77] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | Australia | Not specified | Customer surveys | To examine how price information is differentially considered by men and women in an Australian grocery store and how this affects grocery shopping behavior. | Purchase attitude | - The mean score for how consumers rate the importance of promotional pricing on their shopping decisions was 4.41 out of 5. - Men considered price attributes of products and promotional tactics as being significantly lower in importance than did women. |
Mussol et al. (2019) [53] | Promotion Price |
Supermarket/ grocery store | France | Not specified | Customer surveys | To explore in-store sales promotions as a tool in developing in-store relationships with consumers. | Purchase attitude | - Samplings, in-store games, lotteries nurtured consumer loyalty and relationships with brands. - Price-based promotions should be used to trigger purchases, whereas non-monetary promotions should be used to nurture brand relationships. |
Nakamura et al. (2014) [85] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | UK | Not specified | Scanner/panel data | To estimate of the effect of end-of-aisle display on sales. | Purchase volume | - End-of-aisle display increased sales volumes by 23.2% for beer, 33.6% for wine, and 46.1% for spirits, by 51.7% for carbonated drinks, 73.5% for coffee, and 113.8% for tea. - The effect size was equivalent to a decrease in price of between 4% and 9% per volume for alcohol categories, and a decrease in price of between 22% and 62% per volume for non-alcohol categories. |
Nakamura et al. (2015) [6] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store Convenience storeOther (various) | UK | 1 years (2010) | Scanner/panel data | To investigate if consumers are more responsive to promotions on less-healthy products; and if there are socioeconomic differences in food purchases in response to price promotions. | Purchase volume | - After controlling for the reference price, price discount rate, and brand-specific effects, the sales uplift arising from price promotions was larger in less-healthy than in healthier categories. - A 1% increase in the depth of price discount led to a sales uplift by 1.44% within a given category. |
Nordfält and Lange (2013) [99] | Promotion | Supermarket/ grocery store | Sweden | 2 weeks (April 2008 and March 2009) |
Scanner/Panel data Customer surveys |
To investigate when and how in-store demonstrations work best. | Purchase volume | - In-store demonstrations increased sales, particularly when: closer to the weekend, the product was displayed next to the demonstration (235.07% increase), there was personnel offering the demonstration (24.31% increase), there was signage promoting the product (90.76% increase), and a commercial was run on an in-store TV (36.32%). - There was no significant change when in-store demonstrations were offered in a higher traffic area. |
Osuna et al. (2016) [55] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | Not specified | 2 years (2008–2009) | Loyalty card data | To explore how targeted coupons influence the uptake of new category and brand purchases. | Coupon redemption Product trialing |
- To entice customers to buy in new categories, coupon redemption rates were higher for leading brands and categories that are popular, easy to store, have a low number of SKUs, and are frequently on sale. - To increase incremental purchases, coupons should be in categories that have low purchase frequency and high number of SKUs. |
Page et al. (2019) [86] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | Australia | 24 hours | Direct observation | To explore the shopper traffic entering and exiting the middle aisle, and interaction with endcap promotions. | Shopper traffic Endcap use Basket size |
- Overall use of endcaps in the store with a middle aisle was lower than that in the store with standard layout. - In a standard store, 2.2% of all observed shoppers were interacting with an endcap (48% at rear, 52% at front of store), while in the store with the middle aisle, 1.6%, (24% at the rear, 38% at the front, and 39% in the middle). |
Panzone and Tiffin (2012) [61] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store Convenience storeOther (liquor store) | England | Not specified | Customer surveys Receipts |
To assess the impact of price promotions on wine on consumer purchases | Purchase volumePurchase initiation | - The presence of a discount was influential in determining what to buy (74% of the total impact of the discount), with a smaller effect on how much of a wine to buy (26% of the total impact), and no influence on interpurchase time. - Consumers primarily used discounts to determine the segment they will purchase from, and secondarily to purchase multiple units of the wine they had chosen. |
Phillips et al. (2015) [87] | Placement Promotion | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | 3 days | Direct observation | To explore whether the effectiveness of an end-of-aisle display is weakened if there is a product demonstration occurring near the end-of-aisle. | Visual attention | - The presence of an in-store demonstration near the end-of-aisle affected shoppers’ attention paid to the end-of-the-aisle. - The best way to attract attention to the end-of-aisle was not to have an in-store demonstration near it. |
Phipps et al. (2010) [67] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | Not specified | Scanner/panel data Interview/focus groups |
To explore the associations of discounted prices on supermarket purchases of selected high-calorie foods and more healthful, low-calorie foods. | Purchase volume Purchase attitude |
- Odds of purchasing on price promotion compared with off promotion was 2.4 for high-calorie products and 1.2 for low-calorie products. - Odds of purchasing on sale versus full price were higher for sweet snacks, grain-based snacks, and sugar-sweetened beverages. - Participants emphasized the lure of sale items and said they took advantage of sales to stock up. |
Point of Purchase Advertising International (2012) [15] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | Not specified | Customer surveys Direct observation Other (store audit) |
To investigate how shoppers are interacting with the in-store environment. | Purchase volume | - More than 1 in 6 purchases were made when a display with that brand was present in store. |
Pozzi (2013) [64] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store Online retailer |
US | 2 years (June 2004–June 2006) | Scanner/panel data | To assess if the introduction of e-commerce affects bulk purchase and stockpiling behavior by customers. | Purchase volume Impulse purchasing |
- The share of expenditure on discounted items rose by 9–20% with the introduction of e-commerce. - Online shopping did not increase the likelihood of buying promoted items but positively impacted the amount customers bought when they bought promoted items. - The amount of purchasing increases as the amount of discount increases. |
Ranjan (2018) [88] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | 8 months (1 May 2015–31 December 2015) | Scanner/panel data Loyalty card data Marketing data |
To explore how category location, adjacencies, size and merchandizing determine consumers’ category choices. | Spending Purchase volume |
- Moving to a central (peripheral) position in the layout improved purchase quantity and purchase incidence. - There was an overall “attention-stealing” effect of having neighbors. |
Revoredo-Giha (2015) [69] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store Convenience store Other (various) |
UK | 2006–2013 | Scanner/panel data | To analyze the overall effect of price promotions on consumers’ food purchases. | Spending | - Price promotions had a positive effect on total household expenditure and expenditure by category across socioeconomic quintiles. - Consumers responded positively to price promotions on fruits, vegetables, soft drinks, juices, fats, and eggs. |
Ruff et al. (2016) [89] | Placement Promotion | Convenience store | US | Not specified | Customer surveys Other (bag check) |
To study how placement of products and signs in small convenience stores influence shopping behavior. | Purchase incidence | - Placement of water at eye-level and of produce in at the front of the store was not associated with sugar-sweetened beverage purchases. - Signs advertising water and sugar-sweetened beverages were not associated with sugar-sweetened beverage purchases. |
Sanchez-Flack et al. (2017) [90] | Placement Promotion |
Convenience store | US | 1 years (2010) | Customer surveys Other (store audit) |
To examine how product availability, placement, and promotion were associated with fruit and vegetable purchasing among Hispanic customers in San Diego County. | Purchase volume Spending |
- Each additional square foot of display space dedicated to fruits and vegetables and each additional fresh fruits and vegetables display were associated with a $0.02 increase and $0.29 decrease, respectively, in fruit and vegetable purchasing. |
Sano and Suzuki (2013) [72] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | Japan | 1 months (May 2009–June 2009) | Scanner/panel data Other (shopping path) |
To determine the share of product categories that should be included on discount flyers. | Purchase volume | - Price promotion of items would likely increase sales, particularly in some categories like drinks and western deli. - Price promotion would be less effective where there are already a lot of discounts. |
Seva et al. (2011) [91] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | Philippines | Not specified | Customer surveysDirect observation | To assess the effect of shelf position and product characteristics on the number and duration of eye fixations on a grocery shelf containing junk foods. | Visual attention | - Products placed at the top shelf received the highest attention from consumers as compared to the products placed on the other levels (the eye-level of majority of the subjects was in line with the top shelf). - Consumer attention decreased as the products’ vertical position deviated from eye-level. |
Singh (2013) [73] | PromotionPrice | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | Not specified | Scanner/panel data | To investigate how pricing and promotion in frequently purchased categories influenced consumer visits to competing multiproduct grocery stores. | Store choice | - Own-store and cross-store prices, and own-store and cross-store feature advertising in frequently purchased categories impacted consumers’ choice. - For stockpiling categories, the own store feature activity (but not own store price) positively influenced consumer choice. |
Smithson et al. (2015) [8] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store Convenience store Other (various) |
UK | 52 weeks (December 2004–December 2005) | Scanner/panel data | To explore the role that price promotions play in purchasing levels of high-sugar food and drinks. | Purchase volume Brand switching |
- 1/5 of foods and beverages bought on price promotion were purchased in addition to what would be expected for a given category if the price promotion was not in place. - Price promotions led to short-term brand switching. - Price promotions led to an overall increase in take-home food and drink volumes. |
Spanjaard (2014) [95] | Promotion | Supermarket/ grocery store | Australia | Not specified | Customer surveys Direct observation Interviews/focus groups Other (diaries) |
To understand which factors drive customer purchasing decisions. | Purchase attitude | - 41% of survey participants said they were influenced by promotional offers. - Trust and emotional connection the brand that are main purchasing decision drivers for customers. |
Tacka (2019) [97] | Promotion | Not specified | US | 5 days (19 September 2018–24 September 2018) | Customer surveys | To investigate the relationship between marketing activities (among other factors) and purchases of instant consumable snack foods | Purchase attitude | - Marketing activities were rated, on average, as being of “little importance” or “neither important nor unimportant,” when purchasing an instant consumable snack food. |
Talukdar and Lindsey (2013) [74] | Price | Supermarket/ grocery store | US | 52 weeks (2003–2004) | Scanner/panel data Customer surveys |
To predict the effects of price changes on consumers’ food consumption behavior. | Purchase volume | - For healthy food, demand sensitivity was greater for a price increase than for a price decrease. - For unhealthy food, demand sensitivity was greater for a price decrease than a price increase. |
Tan et al. (2018) [46] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | Australia | Not specified | Scanner/panel data Direct observation |
To compare the sales effectiveness of front versus back located end-of-aisle promotional displays in a supermarket. | Purchase volume | - Rear endcaps generated 416% sales uplift while front endcaps generated 346% sales uplift. |
Tran (2019) [76] | PromotionPrice | Supermarket/ grocery store | Vietnam | 2 weeks | Customer surveys | To investigate factors that influence customers’ impulse purchasing behavior. | Purchase attitude | - Sale promotion, presence of family and friends, emotion, merchandise display, money available and festival season accounted for 65.162% of impulse buying behavior. |
Walmsley et al. (2018) [92] | Placement | Supermarket/ grocery store | England | 170 weeks (January 2012–July 2017) | Scanner/panel data | To examine the effect of the store re-arrangements on purchasing of fruits and vegetables. | Purchase volume Spending |
- The effect of the shop re-arrangement to make fruit and vegetables more prominent and moving the fruit and vegetable display to face the entrance led to an increase in sales and total dollars spent on fruits and vegetables. |
Yildirim and Aydin (2012) [96] | Promotion | Supermarket/ grocery store | Turkey | 10 days | Customer surveys | To assess the effect of supermarket announcements on customer behavior while shopping. | Purchase attitude | - Announcements related to price discounts, buy-one-get-one offers, membership deals, giveaways, and coupons were most desired and impactful announcements. - The most noticed type of announcement focused on price discounts. |
Zhang (2017) [56] | Price | Online retailer | US | 2 weeks (13 January 2014–26 January 2014) | Scanner/panel data | To evaluate the impact of coupons and informational nudges to customers identified through modeling on purchasing. | Purchase incidence | - Providing information and discounts to specific customers who are selected through modeling led to a higher conversion to purchase products. |