Description of experimental flow. At T0, hybrid IGP was performed in max-IGP and min-IGP groups, whereas the sham group underwent diagnostic angiography and laparoscopy. The blue spot on the stomach represent the future anastomotic site on the gastric fundus. All groups received a quantitative fluorescence angiography with FLER and LCL sampling at T0. At T21, an open surgical gastric conduit was formed and all groups underwent HSI, FLER, CLE, LCL sampling, histology, and IHC. Legends: T0: day 0; T21: day 21; hybrid IGP: hybrid ischemic gastric preconditioning; FLER: fluorescence-based enhanced reality; LCL: local capillary lactate; HSI: hyperspectral imaging; CLE: confocal laser endomicroscopy; Histo: histology; IHC: immunohistochemistry.