The gene structure and conserved motifs of GmPYLs (A), GmPP2Cs (B), and GmSnRK2s (C) based on phylogenetic relationships. All motifs were identified using the MEME website with the complete amino acid sequences of GmPYLs, PP2Cs, and SnRK2s. For example, in A, the phylogenetic tree (left) was constructed using the MEGA10.0 program with the complete amino acid sequences of the 21 GmPYLs proteins; Exon and intron structure analyses of GmPYLs genes were performed by the GENE Structure website(middle). The white boxes, black boxes, and the black lines indicate UTRs region, exons, and introns. The length of the amino acid, exon, and intron can be inferred by the ruler at the bottom—conserving motif distribution map of the GmPYLs gene performed by TBtools (right). The 10 predicted motifs are represented by different colored boxes, Motif LOGO showing below.