HF, HS and HFHS diets induce simple steatosis with no signs of lobular inflammation. (A) Hepatic content of neutral lipids and CD3, CD4 and CD68 inflammatory markers obtained from three independent images (per animal) from the experimental conditions shown in (B) (N = 4). (B) Representative images of paraffin-embedded liver sections with H&E, Oil Red O, Masson’s trichrome, CD3, CD4 and CD68 immunostaining. Scale bar, 250 µm; magnification, 10×. All data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. (*) vs. the CHOW diet and (#) vs. the HS diet (P < 0.05); (§§) vs. the HF diet (P < 0.01); (***) vs. the CHOW diet (P < 0.001); P values were determined using one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test. H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; HF, high-fat; HFHS, high-fat plus high-sucrose; HS, high-sucrose.