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. 2020 Oct 18;9(10):3348. doi: 10.3390/jcm9103348

Table 3.

Demographic characteristics of treatment as usual (TAU) + NAT-FM and TAU participants.

TAU + NAT-FM (n = 84) TAU (n = 85) t/χ2 p
General measures
 Gender, n of women (%) 82 (97.60) 85 (100) 0.74 0.39
 Age, M (SD) 54.12 (8.62) 53.15 (9.06) 0.32 0.57
 BMI (kg/m2), M (SD) 27.65 (5.49) 26.75 (5.75) 0.48 0.62
 Years of illness, M (SD) 19.61 (11.99) 16.75 (9.74) 2.92 0.08
 Married or in couple, n (%) 57 (67.8) 43 (50.6) 10.41 0.34
 Cohabitating, n (%) 38 (44.2) 69 (81.2) 1.84 0.39
 Secondary studies, n (%) 38 (45.3) 46 (54.7) 7.45 0.15
 Labor assets, n (%) 43 (52.0) 40 (48.0) 18.52 0.09
 Accreditation of disability in process, n (%) 30 (36.0) 54 (64.0) 1.13 0.29
Comorbidity with CSS, f (%)
 Chronic fatigue 71 (84.6) 72 (85.3) 0.32 0.59
 Multiple chemical sensitivity 30 (35.8) 25 (29) 1.72 0.17
 Irritable bowel syndrome 38 (45.9) 39 (46.3) 0.08 0.70
 Migraines 50 (59) 49 (57.8) 0.07 0.92
Medication, f (%)
 Mix of more than two medications 27 (32.9) 41 (47.7) 4.71 0.41

Note: The values represent means (M) and standard deviation (SD) or frequency (n) and percentages (%), in their respective order of presentation. BMI = body mass index. Significant values (p < 0.05) should be shown in bold. There are no statistically significant group differences. CSS, central sensitization syndromes.