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. 2020 Nov 1;7:174. doi: 10.1038/s41438-020-00395-w

Table 2.

List of the 39 traits with abbreviations and units used for the morphoagronomic characterization of the four S. pimpinellifolium (SP) and four S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme (SLC) accessions of this study.

Code Descriptor name Descriptor scale/unit
Plant descriptors
SPD Stem pubescence density 1–7 (1: absent; 7: dense)
SA Stem anthocyanin coloration 0–2 (0: absent; 2: high)
LT Leaf type 1–6 (1: dwarf; 2: potato; 3: standard; 4: S. peruvianum; 5: S. pimpinellifolium; 6: other)
LN Leaflets number Number
SLN Small leaflets number Number
LB Leaflet border 1–4 (1: entire; 4: highly serrated)
LVA Leaf vein anthocyanin presence 0–1 (0: absent; 1: present)
1TH 1st truss height cm
3TL 3rd truss length cm
5TL 5th truss length cm
Inflorescence descriptors
IT Inflorescence type 1–3 (1: uniparous; 2: both; 3: multiparous)
FPT Flowers per truss (2nd and 3rd) Number
LP Presence of leaves in the inflorescence 0–2 (0: absent; 2: presence in all)
SP Presence of shoots in the inflorescence 0–2 (0: absent; 2: presence in all)
SPOS Style position 0–7 (0: inserted; 7: highly exerted)
Fruit descriptors
FC Exterior colour of immature fruit 1–9 (1: greenish-white; 9: very dark green)
GI Greenback intensity 0–7 (0: absent; 7: strong)
FP Fruit pubescence 0–7 (0: absent; 7: dense)
FS Fruit shape 1–4 (1: flattened; 2: slightly flattened; 3: round; 4: elongated)
RCE Ribbing at calyx end 1–7 (1: very weak; 7: strong)
FCS Fruit cross-sectional shape 1–3 (1: round; 3: irregular)
SPS Shape of pistil scar 1–4 (1: dot; 2: stellate; 3: lineal; 4: irregular)
BES Fruit blossom end shape 1–3 (1: indented; 4: pointed)
FF Fruit fasciation 3–7 (3: slight; 7: severe)
FH Fruit height mm
FW Fruit width mm
W Fruit weight g
SS Shoulder shape 1–7 (1: flat; 7: strongly depressed)
PT Pericarp thickness mm
LOC Locule number Number
L Exterior fruit colour lightness L
A Exterior fruit colour a a
B Exterior fruit colour b b
Internal fruit quality descriptors
Acid Acidity % of citric acid (1 g/sample)
Brix Sugar content °Brix
AA Ascorbic acid mg/L (liquid extract)
pH pH
Agronomic descriptors
DM Days to maturity of first fruita Number of days
D50% Days until 50% of plants with mature fruitsb Number of days

aFrom sowing until one plant has one ripe fruit

bFrom sowing until 50% of plants have at least one fruit ripened