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. 2020 Oct 31;15:33. doi: 10.1186/s13722-020-00206-6

Table 2.

RE-AIM Evaluation of Perinatal Addiction Education

Dimension and questions addressed Data sources Methods Outcome/Process measures
 To what extent did perinatal addiction education reach the providers treating pregnant women with OUD in Your Counties? Department of Professional Licensing Identify all healthcare providers in the community licensed to potentially treat pregnant women with OUD Number of community providers included in the study/ total number of community providers working with pregnant women with OUD
 To what extent did perinatal addiction education reach the pregnant women with OUD within the healthcare system in Your Counties? Local healthcare and social service agencies Electronic medical records; health department records Number of patient participants/ total number of pregnant women with opioid misuse in Your Counties during the study duration
 How effective was the provider training and support? Community providers Questionnaires assessing skills, knowledge and satisfaction Mixed method surveys regarding provider experience and skillset
 How effective were perinatal addiction education services in improving care for pregnant women with OUD? Healthcare and social service records; patient participants Compare data regarding illicit substance use, MOUD continuity, opioid poisoning occurrences, physical and mental health, and social service involvement; questionnaires to assess patient perception Medical codes; standardized comprehensive wellness measurement instruments; qualitative surveys
 To what extent are community providers using perinatal addiction education practices when treating patients with perinatal OUD? Community providers; local healthcare agencies Questionnaires assessing provider practices and attitudes; electronic medical records Mixed methods surveys regarding provider practices; frequency of MOUD provision, NOWS treatment and SBIRT by participating community providers
 To what extent are patients utilizing resources made available through the perinatal addiction education program? Partnering agencies (e.g. EUWH, Four Corners Behavioral Health); medical records; pharmacy records Interviews with partner agencies; electronic medical record and pharmacy record evaluation Utilization of care management and resources made available through this project; number of MOUD prescriptions filled; presence of BUP in urinalysis via medical record
 What were the barriers and facilitators of high quality care? Community providers Questionnaires and focus groups Perceptions of and feedback regarding the implementation kickoff event, as well as ongoing training and support provided via the implementation of perinatal addiction education
 Will the perinatal addiction education practices be maintained over time in Your Counties? Community providers; healthcare administrators Interviews and questionnaires with community providers and healthcare administrators regarding provider practices and policies Questionnaire regarding how integrated perinatal addiction education practices are into standard treatment of pregnant women with OUD and what policies exist to support them

OUD Opioid Use Disorder, MOUD Medication for Opioid Use Disorder, NOWS  Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome, SBIRT Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment; BUP Buprenorphine