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. 2020 Oct 31;20:658. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03341-9

Table 1.

Demographics and confounder variables

Mothers Partners
Intervention group (n = 68) Control group (n = 69) p-value Intervention group (n = 45) Control Group (n = 44) p-value
Age (mean, SD) 32.69 (3.37) 32.23 (3.54) 0.44 35.03 (4.08) 34.73 (5.67) 0.79
% married or cohabitating 94.1 95.6 0.51 95.5 97.7 0.27
% ≥ higher vocational education 91.1 91.2 0.51 86.7 77.2 0.31
Working hours (weekly) 0.13 0.13
 employed ≥37 h (%) 28.3 39.8 57.8 72.8
 employed 21–36 h (%) 65.5 54.4 35.5 22.7
 employed 0–20 h (%) 1.5 4.4 4.4 1.5
 no paid employment 4.5 1.5 2.2 2.3
Family incomea (% ≥ 4000 euro) 52.2 60.2 0.40 57.8 56.8 0.78
Birth ordera (% 1e kind) 91.2 91.3 0.96 88.9 84.1 0.45
# weeks pregnant at inclusion 28.24 (2.60) 27.81 (4.18) 0.45 28.20 (2.49) 27.56 (4.61) 0.39
Attachment style: avoidance 11.52 (5.82) 10.52 (3.93) 0.25 13.52 (6.54) 12.78 (5.31) 0.57
Attachment style: anxiety 16.64 (5.35) 17.24 (5.79) 0.54 17.49 (6.68) 17.44 (5.73) 0.97
Marital satisfaction 30.97 (4.39) 31.63 (3.72) 0.35 30.96 (3.87) 30.93 (3.49) 0.97
% cesarean section 9.9 11.3 0.69
Birth weight 3484.84 (472.94) 3484.57 (424.02) 0.99
Apgar score 5 min (% ≥7) 98.4 98.3 0.23
Apgar score 5 min 9.43 (1.3) 9.66 (.81)

adifferences between mothers and partners because not all partners participated in the study