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. 2020 Oct;9(5):603–614. doi: 10.21037/hbsn.2019.05.04

Table 3. Criteria for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer.

Vessel MD Anderson [2006] AHPBA/SSAT/SSO [2008] Alliance A021101 Trial [2013] IAP [2016] NCCN 1.2019 [2018]
SMV-PV Short-segment occlusion with suitable vessel above and below; segmental venous occlusion alone without SMA involvement is rare and should be apparent on CT images Abutment >180° or occlusion amenable to resection and reconstruction Interface between tumor and vessel measuring ≥180° and/or reconstructable occlusion Tumor contact ≥180° or invasion of the SMV/PV with bilateral narrowing or occlusion, and not exceeding the inferior border of the duodenum Solid tumor contact with the SMV or PV of >180°, contact of ≤180° with contour irregularity of the vein or thrombosis of the vein but with suitable vessel proximal and distal to the site of involvement allowing for resection and vein reconstruction
SMA Tumor abutment ≤180°; periarterial stranding and tumor points of contact forming a convexity against the vessel improve chances of resection Abutment <180° Interface between tumor and vessel <180° of vessel Tumor contact/invasion of ≤180° without showing stenosis/deformity Solid tumor contact with the SMA of ≤180°
CHA Short-segment encasement/abutment of the common hepatic artery (typically at the GDA origin); the surgeon should be prepared for vascular resection/ interposition grafting Abutment or short-segment encasement, amenable to reconstruction Reconstructable, short-segment interface between tumor and vessel of any degree Tumor contact/invasion without showing tumor contact/invasion of the PHA and/or CA Solid tumor contact with CHA without extension to CA or HA bifurcation allowing for complete resection and
Celiac axis Abutment of ≤180° of the circumference of the celiac axis No abutment or encasement Interface between tumor and vessel <180° of vessel Tumor contact/invasion of ≤180° without showing stenosis/deformity Solid tumor contact with the CA of ≤180° or of >180° without involvement of the
aorta and with intact and uninvolved GDA thereby permitting a modified Appleby procedure