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. 2020 Oct 31;65:102577. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2020.102577

Table 4.

Spearman's correlation coefficients between indicators.

Frequency of Containment Zones IMD PPD HHD UPD LST NDVI NDWI NDMI
Frequency of Containment Zones 1 0.823** 0.734** 0.532** 0.431* −0.633** −0.675** −0.413* 0.391
IMD 0.823** 1 0.434* 0.228 0.390* 0.376* −0.370* 0.093 0.115
PPD 0.734** 0.434* 1 0.972** 0.618** 0.745** −0.780** 0.752** −0.766**
HHD 0.532** 0.228 0.972** 1 0.662** 0.729** −0.791** 0.763** −0.800**
UPD 0.431* 0.390* 0.618** .662** 1 0.703** −0.817** 0.771** −0.877**
LST −0.633** 0.376* 0.745** 0.729** 0.703** 1 −0.827** −0.811** −0.791**
NDVI −0.675** −0.370* −0.780** −0.791** −0.817** −0.827** 1 0.994** 0.923**
NDWI −0.413* 0.093 0.752** 0.763** 0.771** −0.811** 0.994** 1 -.885**
NDMI 0.391 0.115 −0.766** −0.800** −0.877** −0.791** 0.923** −0.885** 1

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).