Core genome MLST tree of S. sonnei, including context isolates. 203 isolates, distance based on comparing 2315 alleles using the Enterobase Escherichia/Shigella cgMLST v1 scheme. Missing values are an own category. Red text = MSM-associated clusters. Black text = serotype; prov = provisional Shigella. Qnr genes left to right = qnrB19, qnrB4, qnrS1; SHI-1 left to right = sigA, pic, set; SHI-2 left to right = iucA, iucB, iucC, iucD, iutA, shiA, shiB, shiD, shiE; and T3SS effectors left to right = ipa-ipg operon, virA, ospB, ospC1, ospC3, ospD3, ospE1, ospE2, ospF, ospG. Further features are explained in the legend within Figure 2.