BA composition along the intestinal tract of sDMDMm2 and C. scindens-colonized sDMDMm2 gnotobiotic mice based on LC/MS/MS analysis. sDMDMm2 mice (n = 5) and sDMDMm2 mice precolonized 7 days with C. scindens (n = 5) were euthanized, and intestinal content samples were harvested and processed for BA LC/MS/MS measurements. Values indicate measured BA concentrations in nmol/g tissue or intestinal content. Black bars indicate primary conjugated BAs, teal bars indicate secondary conjugated BAs, gray bars indicate primary deconjugated BAs, yellow bars indicate secondary BAs (all but 7-dehydroxylated), and blue bars indicate 7-dehydroxylated BAs.