Figure 3. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ leak and spontaneous SR Ca2+-release events (SCaEs).
A, Experimental protocol employing tetracaine (1-mmol/L) to block RyR2 under 0-mmol/L extracellular Na+/Ca2+ to block sarcolemmal Ca2+-fluxes (left). The decrease in fluorescence in response to tetracaine shown in the example is proportional to SR Ca2+-leak.36 Subsequently, the amplitude of the caffeine-induced Ca2+-transient was used to assess SR Ca2+-load. Right panel shows SR Ca2+-leak/SR Ca2+-load ratio in Ctl and POAF. Individual leak and load components are shown in Online Figure VIII. B-C, Examples (B) and quantification (C) of SCaEs occurring prior to tetracaine application in the absence of sarcolemmal Ca2+-fluxes at −80 mV in Ctl and POAF. D-E, Examples (D) and quantification (E) of spontaneous INCX resulting from SCaEs (at −50 mV) in perforated-patch experiments in an independent cohort of Ctl and POAF cardiomyocytes. N-numbers indicate numbers of cardiomyocytes/patients. *P<0.05 vs. Ctl based on multilevel models with log-transformed data.