a. At our meetings with the researchers: |
The purpose of the meetings was clearly explained. |
I had enough information to contribute to the topics being discussed. |
I was clear about my role and what was expected of me |
I had clarity on the role of other team members |
I was able to express my views freely. |
I felt that my views were heard. |
A wide range of views on the topic were expressed. |
I felt that the input provided will be considered by the team. |
The meetings achieved their stated objectives. |
b. Overall views when thinking about my collaboration with this team: |
My insights and comments influenced the decisions of the team. |
I was able to contribute and share my personal experience with this team. |
I felt adequately prepared for my role. |
I understand how the input from this collaboration will be used. |
I think this collaboration will make a difference. |
As a result of my collaboration with this team, I am better informed about the healthcare system and issues that can affect my own care |
As a result of my collaboration with this team, I have greater trust in research and the efforts made to improve our healthcare system |
Overall, I was satisfied with my collaboration with this team. |
My collaboration with this team was a good use of my time. |
c. Logistics, Expenses & Compensation: |
My schedule and timeframes were considered when the team meetings were scheduled. |
The research team worked with me to accommodate my challenges and ensure that it is easy for me to participate. |
I feel the support I needed for my travels were available. |
I feel the support I needed for my child care was available. |
I feel the support I needed for my travels were available. |
I feel the support I needed for my accommodations were available. |
I feel the support I needed for my meals were available. |
I feel the support I needed towards my participation remuneration / compensation was available. |