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. 2020 Oct 29;57:0046958020969381. doi: 10.1177/0046958020969381

Table 3.

Robust Regression of Costs in the Last 6 Months of Life (in 2010 log $).

Variables Conditional inpatient costs (n = 1059)
Non-inpatient costs (n = 1311)
B (SE)a P-value B (SE)a P-value
Any hospice use in the last year of life (ref = No) −0.310 (0.070) <.001 0.209 (0.044) <.001
Age (ref = <55)
 55-64 0.067 (0.122) .583 0.055 (0.076) .466
 ≥65 −0.087 (0.128) .494 −0.006 (0.078) .936
Sex:Female (ref = Male) 0.019 (0.086) .827 −0.027 (0.055) .616
Race/ethnicity (ref = Non-Hispanic white)
 Non-Hispanic African American 0.240 (0.074) .001 0.143 (0.047) .002
 Hispanic 0.310 (0.085) <.001 −0.018 (0.054) .734
 Non-Hispanic other race 0.034 (0.177) .849 0.278 (0.116) .017
Enrollment type: Medicare only (ref = Dual) −0.161 (0.072) .025 −0.230 (0.045) <.001
Lives in a large urban center (ref = No) 0.313 (0.206) .128 0.211 (0.112) .060
Year of death (ref = 2008)
 2009 −0.037 (0.075) .620 0.006 (0.047) .905
 2010 −0.176 (0.091) .052 −0.135 (0.056) .017
Disease comorbidity
 Charlson Comorbidity Index 0.058 (0.011) <.001 0.047 (0.007) <.001
 Any cancer diagnosis (ref = No) 0.032 (0.075) .672 0.091 (0.048) .061
 Total medical costs during Months 7 to 12 before death (in log $) 0.024 (0.014) .086 0.330 (0.010) <.001
Constant 10.197 (0.243) 6.612 (0.149)
Predicted costs
 Hospice $64,696 ($4050) $61,608 ($3966)
 No hospice $90,189 ($3322)) $46,837 ($1560)
 Difference −$25,493 ($5013) <.05 +$14,771 ($4152) <.05

Note. SE = standard error.


B = coefficient.