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Table 2.

The distribution of epithelial tissue functions onto component cell types corresponding to Figure 1

Function Airway cell type Specific role Small intestinal cell type Specific role
Nutrient absorption N/A Enterocyte Absorption of carbohydrates (e.g., Lct) and lipids, bile resorption
Vectorial transport Ciliated cells Directional propulsion of mucus N/A
Fluid regulation Ionocyte Chloride (Cftr), sodium (ENaC), potassium (Kcnma1) transport Enterocyte Sodium (Slc5a1, Sglt1)
Sensation Tuft cells Chemosensation, possible innervation Tuft cells Chemosensation of parasites (Trpm5, Gnat3)
PNEC Oxygen sensation, stretch, innervation Enterochromaffin cells Detection of irritants, metabolites, and catecholamines
Neuromodulation PNEC Hormones, innervated Enterochromaffin Serotinergic activation of sensory nerves (Tph1, Tac1)
Tuft-1 Neurotransmitter production (ChAT) Enteroendocrine Regulation of satiety (Ghrelin, Pyy) and mood (Gastrin, Cck)
Tuft-1 Neurotransmitter production (ChAT)
Immunomodulation PNEC Allergic response (Cgrp, Gaba) Enteroendocrine cells Cck, Glp-1 substance P, neurokinin A, and neurokinin B
Tuft-2 Allergic response (leukotrienes, IL-25, Tslp) Tuft-2 Leukotrienes, Il25, Tslp
Club Tnf Paneth Tnfα
Enterocytes Il18
Mucus production Goblet Mucins (Muc5b, Muc5ac) Goblet cells Mucins (Muc2)
Antigen presentation Microfold cells Microfold cells Intestinal stem cells
Production of new cells Basal cells Production of club and rare cell types Intestinal stem cells Production of transit-amplifying cells, Paneth cells
Production of differentiation factors to club cells Transit-amplifying Production of differentiated cells
Club cells Production of ciliated cells and goblet cells Paneth cells Stem cell niche factors WNT (Wnt3,11), Notch (Dll4)
Hillock basal cells Production of hillock club cells
PNEC Reserve stem cell
Antimicrobial secretion Ionocytes Secretion of cochlin Paneth cells Antimcrobial peptides—α defensins, lysozyme, angiogenin4, Mmp7, interlectin-1
Club Surfactants (Sftpd, Scgb3a2), antimicrobial (Ltf, Lyz2) Enterocytes Antimcrobial peptides—C-type lectins (Reg3b, Reg3g)
Hillock club Surfactants (Sftpd), antimicrobial (Ltf, Lyz2)
Goblet Goblet Antiparasitic immunity—Retnlb