Graph representation of indels and mutations and its tabular
representation. Starting with a 6-bp reference sequence, GAGCTG
(a), the lower graph (b) incorporates three variants:
a single nucleotide variant (A/T), a 1-bp deletion (T), and a 1-bp insertion
(A). A prefix-sorted graph of the graph (c) has 11 nodes and 14
edges. Each node has a unique numerical node ID shown in blue to indicate its
lexicographical order (1 being the first) with respect to the other nodes in the
graph. The node labeled with āZā demarcates the end of the
reference sequence. The table on the right (d) has two columns
under Outgoing edge(s) that show the node IDs and their labels repeated
according to the number of their outgoing edges (i.e. node 3, labeled C, is
repeated three times with 3 outgoing edges to nodes 7, 8, and 10, respectively).
The table has two columns under Incoming edge(s) that show the node IDs and the
14 labels for the preceding nodes (i.e. G is the preceding label for node 1, A
and T for node 5). The table is more compact in memory usage than the graph