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. 2020 Nov 2;74(3):644–710. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2020.10.042

Table 1.

Summary of results. **indicates a statistically significant difference.

2019 (n (lesions) = 127) 2020 (n (lesions) = 102) p =
Age (Mean (SD)) 75.67 (11.35) 74.6 (12.17) 0.17
Sex (n)
  Males 56 54
  Females 36 36
Pre-op Diagnosis (n) 0.03**
  BCC 86 51
  SCC 37 48
  Other 2 3
Mean time to procedure – All lesions (days) 109 115 0.77
Mean time to procedure – Suspected SCC (days) 43.7 41.9 0.84
Body Site (%) 0.20
  Head & Neck 75.8 85.3
  Trunk 11.7 6.9
  Upper Limb 4.7 1.0
  Lower Limb 7.8 6.9
Head and Neck Subtype (%) 0.43
  Scalp 8.2 17.2
  Peri-ocular, temple, forehead, eyebrow 41.2 36.8
  Cheek/Chin 19.6 18.4
  Ear 9.3 12.6
  Nose or Lips 17.5 12.6
  Neck 4.1 2.3
Senior Operator Grade (%) 0.57
  Consultant 47.1 43.1
  specialty Registrar 47.9 53.9
  Senior house officer/Core Trainee 5.0 2.9
Histological Diagnosis (n) <0.01**
  BCC 67 37
  SCC 16 30
  Actinic Keratosis 14 14
  Bowen's Disease 3 2
  Benign 23 14
  Other 1 5
Largest Tumour diameter in mm (mean (SD)) 11.4 (7.8) 14.8 (9.8) <0.01**
Reconstruction (%) 0.04**
  Direct Closure 67.7 55.9
  SSG 5.5 13.7
  FTSG 14.1 13.7
  Local Flap 11.7 7.8
Incomplete – All lesions (%) 7.0 15.7 0.06
Incomplete – BCC (%) 9.0 21.6 0.07
Incomplete – SCC (%) 6.3 13.3 0.46