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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020 Sep 17;67(12):e28703. doi: 10.1002/pbc.28703


Assessments of the validity of ICD-9-CM–based algorithms for identifying pediatric SCD in U.S. healthcare databases

Author Case definitiona Study period and reference period for algorithm Age group Source of ICD-9-CM data Validation data source Validation results
(1) Algorithms using ≥1 inpatient or ≥2 outpatient claims or encounters
Halasa etal. (2007)30 1 inpatient claim or ≥2 outpatient claims ≥30 days apart with a diagnosis code for SCD
Note ICD-9-CM codes of 282.41 and 282.42 were not included
10 years, 1995–2004, for both Children, born in state, 19962003 Tennessee Medicaid claims, 1995–2004 Tennessee NBS data, 1996–2003 PPV 86.0% (312 confirmed cases out of 363 who met SCD case-finding algorithm)
Sensitivity 91.2% (312 true positives and 32 false negatives among 344 children with SCD confirmed by NBS records)
Reeves et al. (2014)19 1 inpatient claim or ≥2 outpatient claims ≥1 day apart with SCD codes during 12-month period 1 year, 2010 or 2011, for both Children, ages 0–18 years, born in state Michigan Medicaid claims, 2010 and 2011 Michigan NBS data, 1987–2010 2010 data PPV 94.5%
Sensitivity 90.2%
Specificity 90.4%
2011 data PPV 94.5%
Sensitivity 90.2%
Specificity 90.4%
(2) Algorithm using 3 or more claims with ICD codes for SCD
Reeves et al. (2014)19 Presence of ≥3 claims (any setting) on separate dates with SCD codes during 12-month period 1 year, 2010 or 2011, for both Children, ages 0–18 years Michigan Medicaid claims, 2010 and 2011 Michigan NBS data, 1987–2010 2010 data: PPV 95.0%
Sensitivity 90.7%
Specificity 91.3%
2011 data: PPV 95.8%
Sensitivity 89.7%
Specificity 87.9%
Snyder etal. (2019)23 Presence of ≥3 claims any setting on separate dates with SCD codes during the 5-year period Additional ICD-9-CM code included: 282.6 5 years, 2004–2008, for both Children and young adults, ages 0–21 years Georgia Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, State Health Benefit Plan, Georgia hospital discharge data, 2004–2008 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta medical and laboratory records, Georgia NBS records PPV: 97.4%
Sensitivity: 96.0%
Specificity: 76.5%
NPV: 68.2%
(3) Combinations of diagnosis codes with SCD-associated treatments, procedures, and complications
Snyder etal. (2019)23 ≥2 claims on separate dates with SCD ICD-9-CM codes and ≥1 claim with code for an SCD-associated treatment, procedure, or complication
Additional ICD-9-CM code included: 282.6
5 years, 2004–2008, for both Children and young adults, ages 0–21 years Georgia Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, State Health Benefit Plan, Georgia hospital discharge data, 2004–2008 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta medical and laboratory records, Georgia NBS records PPV: 97.4%,
Sensitivity 85.8%
Specificity: 79.0%
NPV: 38.2%

Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; ICD-9-CM, International Classification of Diseases Version 9 Clinical Modification; NBS, newborn screening; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value; SCD, sickle cell disease


All case definitions include the following ICD-9 codes unless otherwise indicated: 282.60–282.69 and 282.41,282.42.