Author | Case definitiona | Study period and reference period for algorithm | Age group | Source of ICD-9-CM data | Validation data source | Validation results |
(1) Algorithms using ≥1 inpatient or ≥2 outpatient claims or encounters | ||||||
Halasa etal. (2007)30 | 1 inpatient claim or ≥2 outpatient claims ≥30 days apart with a diagnosis code for SCD Note ICD-9-CM codes of 282.41 and 282.42 were not included |
10 years, 1995–2004, for both | Children, born in state, 19962003 | Tennessee Medicaid claims, 1995–2004 | Tennessee NBS data, 1996–2003 | PPV 86.0% (312 confirmed cases out of 363 who met SCD case-finding algorithm) Sensitivity 91.2% (312 true positives and 32 false negatives among 344 children with SCD confirmed by NBS records) |
Reeves et al. (2014)19 | 1 inpatient claim or ≥2 outpatient claims ≥1 day apart with SCD codes during 12-month period | 1 year, 2010 or 2011, for both | Children, ages 0–18 years, born in state | Michigan Medicaid claims, 2010 and 2011 | Michigan NBS data, 1987–2010 | 2010 data PPV 94.5% Sensitivity 90.2% Specificity 90.4% 2011 data PPV 94.5% Sensitivity 90.2% Specificity 90.4% |
(2) Algorithm using 3 or more claims with ICD codes for SCD | ||||||
Reeves et al. (2014)19 | Presence of ≥3 claims (any setting) on separate dates with SCD codes during 12-month period | 1 year, 2010 or 2011, for both | Children, ages 0–18 years | Michigan Medicaid claims, 2010 and 2011 | Michigan NBS data, 1987–2010 | 2010 data: PPV 95.0% Sensitivity 90.7% Specificity 91.3% 2011 data: PPV 95.8% Sensitivity 89.7% Specificity 87.9% |
Snyder etal. (2019)23 | Presence of ≥3 claims any setting on separate dates with SCD codes during the 5-year period Additional ICD-9-CM code included: 282.6 | 5 years, 2004–2008, for both | Children and young adults, ages 0–21 years | Georgia Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, State Health Benefit Plan, Georgia hospital discharge data, 2004–2008 | Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta medical and laboratory records, Georgia NBS records | PPV: 97.4% Sensitivity: 96.0% Specificity: 76.5% NPV: 68.2% |
(3) Combinations of diagnosis codes with SCD-associated treatments, procedures, and complications | ||||||
Snyder etal. (2019)23 | ≥2 claims on separate dates with SCD ICD-9-CM codes and ≥1 claim with code for an SCD-associated treatment, procedure, or complication Additional ICD-9-CM code included: 282.6 |
5 years, 2004–2008, for both | Children and young adults, ages 0–21 years | Georgia Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, State Health Benefit Plan, Georgia hospital discharge data, 2004–2008 | Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta medical and laboratory records, Georgia NBS records | PPV: 97.4%, Sensitivity 85.8% Specificity: 79.0% NPV: 38.2% |
Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; ICD-9-CM, International Classification of Diseases Version 9 Clinical Modification; NBS, newborn screening; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value; SCD, sickle cell disease
All case definitions include the following ICD-9 codes unless otherwise indicated: 282.60–282.69 and 282.41,282.42.