Differences in neuro-activity between slope and ground at a certain speed were not constant over time. The example shown here stems from Bee 140409, unit 1. Other examples are shown in Supplementary Figure S5. The whole recording time was cut into 5-min epochs. (A) Neuro-activity along time (abscissa) when the bee was on the slope walked at different speed (ordinate). Spike activity is expressed in false color as indicated in the right upper corner. (B) The same graph for the bee walking on the ground. (C) Comparison of time dependence of spike activity between slope and ground. Higher spike activity on the slope is expressed in yellow, and higher spike activity on the ground in blue. * marks significant differences between slope and ground (p < 0.05 in independent-samples t-tests after Bonferroni correction). × marks low sample numbers (<30) that lead to less reliable statistic results and are thus excluded from our statistics.