Fig. 2.
SEs promote high transcriptional activity and drive tissue-specific expression in mouse. a Box plot showing the total-expression (in log-transformed RPKM) of different enhancer classes across 22 tissues. Each box plot shows the median, middle bar; interquartile range, the box; whiskers, 1.5 times the interquartile range. b Box plot showing the tissue-specific expression of different enhancer classes across 22 tissues. The p-values were calculated using Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. c Distribution of genes within tissue-specific expression categories (low, intermediate and high) in different enhancer classes. Y-axis for each tissue displays the density of genes scaled across the tissues, but not across the enhancer classes. d Contribution of each enhancer class (in percentage) towards the total number of enhancer associated genes in the genome, categorised by their tissue-specific expression. e A schematic to illustrate the calculation of distinct enhancer tissue-types for each enhancer-associated gene. The number of distinct tissue types of various enhancers associated with the gene of interest are added to compute the number of enhancer tissue-types for a gene. f Heatmaps showing the number of enhancer tissue-types in SEC and TEC. Each row is an enhancer associated gene and columns represent its association with enhancers across 22 tissues and cell types. g Box plot showing the correlation between the number of enhancer tissue-types and tissue-specific expression of SEC and TEC. The trend lines (green: SEs; orange: TEs) were calculated using linear regression. See also Additional file 1: Figure S7 and S8