Fig. 2.
Immunostaining of TGFβ3 expression in hCSSC under co-cultured with mouse RAW cells. After 72 h of co-culture with RAW cells in (a) M1, (b) M2 or (c) M0 condition, hCSSC were distinguished from mouse cells by human specific HuNu labelling (red). A cytoplasmic vesicular-like pattern of TGFβ3 expression (green) was detected in hCSSC (arrow) under M1 condition of RAW cells. The signal was much reduced when co-cultured with RAW cells under M2 and M0 conditions. The immunoreactivity of anti-TGFβ3 antibody was similar in RAW cells under M0, M1, M2 with CSSC co-culture and (d) single culture conditions. Experiment was performed in triplicates. Scale bar: 50 μm