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. 2020 Nov 3;1(6):363. doi: 10.1007/s42979-020-00383-w

Table 1.

Summarization of deep learning applications for medical imaging-based COVID-19 diagnosis

Authors Sample size Methods Results
Khan et al. [19] 1300 chest X-rays including 290 COVID-19 cases CoroNet: Xception architecture Accuracy = 89.6%
Wu et al. [20] 495 CT images consisting of 368 COVID-19 cases Multi-view fusion model using deep learning techniques

Accuracy = 70.0%

AUC = 73.2%

Wang and Wong [21] 13,975 X-ray images from 13,870 patients COVID-Net: deep CNN architecture Accuracy = 92.4%
Wang et al. [22] 325 CT scans of COVID-19 and 740 of pneumonia Deep transfer learning using modified Inception

Accuracy = 79.3%

Specificity = 83.0%

Butt et al. [23] 618 CT images including 219 COVID-19 cases 3D deep learning with location-attention mechanism Accuracy = 86.7%
Jin et al. [24] 970 CT images from 496 patients Deep neural network

Accuracy = 94.98%

Specificity = 95.47%

Song et al. [25] 275 CT scans comprising of 88 COVID-19 cases DeepPneumonia: ResNet architecture

AUC = 99.0%

Sensitivity = 93.0%

Islam et al. [27] 421 X-ray images including 141 COVID-19 cases Combined deep CNN-LSTM architecture

Accuracy = 97%

Specificity = 91%