Figure 3.
Distribution of kataegis in Ig loci in DLBCL, FL, and CLL. (A) A higher resolution of distribution of kataegis in the Ig loci in the DLBCL and FL genomes. The plot on the top of the main matrix proportionally shows the order of the Ig genes. The positions of kataegis in the Ig loci are indicated by black bars. The name of each region with kataegis is shown at the bottom. (B) The contribution of K1 for the kataegis in different parts of genome. Each dot represents a kataegis and is colored according to the K1 contribution (see the color bar). Mann–Whitney test; *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.0005. (C) Number of kataegis at the IGHV and S loci in different groups. (D) Number of non-Ig kataegis in the TSS proximal and distal regions in different groups. (E) Number of ABC and GCB samples in different groups. Statistics used in C to E, Fisher’s exact test; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.005; ***, P < 0.0005. (F) Two mutational signatures of kataegis were identified in 153 previously published CLL genomes. Legends are as described for Fig. 2 B. (G) The distribution of kataegis in the Ig loci of the CLL genomes. Only the CLLs with at least one Ig kataegis and the subtype information are shown. Legends are as described for A. Sig, signature.