Fig. 2. Plot of δ49Ti versus Mg# for the NWA 7533 igneous clasts, shergottites, angrites, and terrestrial igneous rocks.
Data of the terrestrial oxide-undersaturated rocks are from Millet et al. (10), Greber et al. (34), and Deng et al. (35). Terrestrial differentiated rocks with ΔFMQ values of ≈+0.9 [Hekla lavas, Iceland; (11)] and ≈+2.4 [Agung lavas, Sunda Arc; (10)] follow different paths controlled by the change of composition due to cooling of magmas, relative to that of shergottites and angrites with ΔFMQ values of ≈−4 to −1. The data for angrites and shergottites from this study are shown by orange squares and diamonds, respectively, with those from Greber et al. (34) represented by white squares and diamonds (data file S1). The two gray curves describe the effects of oxidation to ΔFMQ = +3 to 4 on the shergottitic melts at ΔFMQ ≤−2.5 with Mg# values of 35 and 45, respectively [see (16)]. The black arrows represent the controls on the melt δ49Ti and Mg# values from removal of pyroxene (Px) or olivine (Ol) (the solid arrow), or of magnetite (Mgt) (the dashed arrows).